"12th March of each year is celebrated as China’s Arbor Day, trying to encourage people to plant more trees on earth and protect our environment. In recent years, 400 million Chinese people insisted on “planting virtual trees” via Ant Forest program on mobile phones, and an equal quantity of real trees (over 50 million) had been planted in the faraway deserts in China."


|  四亿中国人坚持“手机植树”


English Words:       400 Million Chinese Insist on Planting Trees on Mobiles

Chinese Pinyin:      Sì Yì Zhōng Guó Rén Jiān Chí "Shǒu Jī Zhí Shù"

Chinese Characters:  四亿中国人坚持“手机植树”

Related Chinese Words:   
    中国植树节 (Zhōng Guó Zhí Shù Jié)| China's Arbor Day, on March 12th
    手机支付   (Shǒu Jī Zhī Fù) | Mobile payment, fast pay with mobile phones
    低碳行为   (Dī Tàn Xíng Wéi)| Low-carbon behaviors
Related App: 
    支付宝 (Zhī Fù Bǎo) | Alipay, Alibaba's application for mobile payment

What is "蚂蚁森林" Ant Forest? 

planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay

Ant Forest

| 蚂蚁森林 (Mǎ Yǐ Sēn Lín)

Ant Forest is a special application offered by Alipay and co-developed with NGOs, which guides users to improve the environment by raising and planting trees via user’s series of low-carbon behaviors in Alipay app.




Planting Trees on Mobiles

| 手机植树 (Shǒu Jī Zhí Shù)

After activating “Ant Forest” program in Alipay, users can collect green energy by clicking them from their own or friends’ forest to raise a virtual tree sapling. 




Obtain Green Energy

| 获取绿色能量 (Huò Qǔ Lǜ Sè Néng Liàng)

In Alipay app, many low-carbon behaviors are counted and can be converted into virtual “green energy”, including walking instead of driving, buying tickets online for public transports (like metro), paying for utilities via Alipay, registration and booking online for hospitals, offline mobile payment via Alipay, buying movie tickets online and so on.


planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay


Virtual Tree Converted into Real Tree Planted 

| 虚拟树变真树种下(Xǖ Nǐ Shù Biàn Zhēn Shù Zhòng Xià)

After enough energy collected, the virtual tree grew up in user’s forest in user’s Alipay account, a real tree will be planted correspondingly in the desert of China by specific NGO partners. The user will unlock an environmental protection certificate with an exclusive tree number. 


planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay



| 相关数据 (Xiāng Guān Shù Jǜ)

According to Alipay’s official data, a total of over 400 million worldwide users have joined in Ant Forest program by the end of December 2018. With the help of NGOs, those users have already planted 55,520,000 real trees on earth with a total area of over 760,000 acres.



Why Chinese Love Planting Trees in Ant Forest?

Ant Forest connected user’s daily life behaviors, daily consumptions with the public welfare. With the help of the virtual plant-growing game, the Ant Forest program made welfare participation becoming more simple to realize, more interesting to keep. Moreover, it also gave additional love value for users’ every mobile payment. Thus, more and more mobile users love to plant trees in Ant Forest day by day.  



Let’s take a closer look at attractive factors that Ant Forest may have, as follows:



Motivate users to MAKE NEW FRIENDS. 

| 发展友谊新动力

The more friends joined, the faster trees grow.



“Collect each other’s green energy, then become friends together” —— From Chinese Internet Users

“一起偷能量,你就是我的好朋友” —— 中国网友


About ten years before,  a feature “Crop and steal vegetables” of virtual social farm games has been well popular throughout many social platforms in China. This feature has also been implanted into Ant Forest with some optimizations, which still attracted many users to join in and collect green energy day by day.  



“The new way of the youth to express disgust on somebody is to collect his/her green energy but never help watering/raising his/her trees.” —— From Chinese Internet Users

“当代中国青年表达自己讨厌某人的新方式:偷对方的蚂蚁森林能量却不帮人家浇水,更不会帮对方收快消失的能量 ” —— 中国网友


In order to collect more green energy from others, crazy users share their forest information on social platforms like Sina Weibo, and even the moments of Tencent’s WeChat. Try to call out any of friends, colleagues, relatives, and their lover to plant virtual trees together in Ant Forest. 




Give ADDITIONAL VALUES on mobile payment via Alipay.

| 赋予手机支付额外价值

It is easy to make public welfare activity at the same time when paying with mobile phones each time.



It is difficult for everyone to plant a real tree by self. However, it is quite simple to achieve in Ant Forest if planting virtual trees successfully.



Just with a few clicks daily, any user can make a real tree planted on earth while an exclusive tree number obtained. Bit by bit of green energy collected will eventually merge into the realizing of forests in the real world. 


planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay


Due to this reason, many Chinese people are very happy to participate in Ant Forest and insist on planting virtual trees on mobiles. It becomes one of the methods for them to express their kindness, and show the sense of their existence and self-worth.




Using Mobile Pay via Alipay becomes users FIRST CHOICE.

| 支付宝付款渐成用户下意识选择

“It is Ant Forest waking you up, not an alarm clock” —— From Chinese Internet users

“每天被叫醒的不是闹钟,而是蚂蚁森林” —— 中国网友


After enjoying the good experience of planting a virtual tree,  users are more willing to launch Alipay and pay with mobile phones but not cash or other methods in daily consumptions. Scanning QR code to complete mobile payment, instead of cash, becomes many Chinese people’s subconscious choice and daily life habit.




Encourage WALKING, LOW-CARBON & HEALTHY life concepts.

| 鼓励低碳行为和健康生活理念,为敦促自己多走路创造原动力

Besides mobile payment, Ant Forest also guides users with more low-carbon behaviors to obtain more green energy, such as “walking” and “bike sharing” and so on, to reduce the air pollution by driving.



It is said that 7:00 to 7:30 in the morning usually is the golden period that most people will collect friends’ green energy. Thus, to protect their own green energy and forest, Ant Forest also let users get up earlier than ever.




Latest Events

Introduce a FASTER WAY to Collect Green Energy 



—— Collect Energy via Voice Recognition

—— 通过语音收能量

“Tmall Genie” (天猫精灵,Tiān Māo Jīng Líng), a smart speaker and voice assistant developed by Alibaba have recently released a new feature. If a user says “天猫精灵,帮我收能量!(Tiān Māo Jīng líng, Bāng Wǒ Shōu Néng Liàng)”, the smart device will recognize your voice and understand your requirements fast, and then auto-finished a collection secondly of all green energy available in user’s own forest. Moreover, it will also remind the user whether or not to set an alarm clock for the next energy becoming collectible. It is really helpful and recommends any of you to try it out if available.

阿里巴巴旗下发布的智能语音音箱 “天猫精灵(Tiān Māo Jīng Líng)” 新增了一项新功能。用户对着天猫精灵小音箱说“天猫精灵,帮我收能量!(Tiān Māo Jīng líng, Bāng Wǒ Shōu Néng Liàng)”, 它就能迅速识别需求,1秒帮用户收完自己森林中已成熟的绿色能量哦。更能提醒用户设置好下一个能量成熟可收取时间的闹钟。不妨关注一下。


Unfortunately, the device currently only supports to recognize voices and response in the Chinese language, not English or others. Let’s expect it could be improved in the near future.





More to Be Continued...^_^

Click to Read Stories about Mobile Payment via Alipay in China

See u soon... : )



planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay

| 蚂蚁森林 (Mǎ Yǐ Sēn Lín)



| 手机植树 (Shǒu Jī Zhí Shù)



| 获取绿色能量 (Huò Qǔ Lǜ Sè Néng Liàng)


planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay

| 虚拟树变真树种下(Xǖ Nǐ Shù Mù Biàn Chéng Zhēn Shù Zhòng Xià)


planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay

| 相关数据 (Xiāng Guān Shù Jǜ)







| 发展友谊新动力



“一起偷能量,你就是我的好朋友” —— 中国网友




“当代中国青年表达自己讨厌某人的新方式:偷对方的蚂蚁森林能量却不帮人家浇水,更不会帮对方收快消失的能量 ” —— 中国网友




| 赋予手机支付额外价值






planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay




| 支付宝付款渐成用户下意识选择

“每天被叫醒的不是闹钟,而是蚂蚁森林” —— 中国网友




| 鼓励低碳行为和健康生活理念,为敦促自己多走路创造原动力






Latest Events


—— 通过语音收能量

阿里巴巴旗下发布的智能语音音箱 “天猫精灵(Tiān Māo Jīng Líng)” 新增了一项新功能。用户对着天猫精灵小音箱说“天猫精灵,帮我收能量!(Tiān Māo Jīng líng, Bāng Wǒ Shōu Néng Liàng)”, 它就能迅速识别需求,1秒帮用户收完自己森林中已成熟的绿色能量哦。更能提醒用户设置好下一个能量成熟可收取时间的闹钟。不妨关注一下。








See u soon... : )



What is "Ant Forest"? 

planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay

Ant Forest

Ant Forest is a special application offered by Alipay and co-developed with NGOs, which guides users to improve the environment by raising and planting trees via the user’s series of low-carbon behaviors in the Alipay app.



Planting Trees on Mobiles

After activating “Ant Forest” program in Alipay, users can collect green energy by clicking them from their own or friends’ forest to raise a virtual tree sapling.



Obtain Green Energy

In Alipay app, many low-carbon behaviors are counted and can be converted into virtual “green energy”, including walking instead of driving, buying tickets online for public transports (like metro), paying for utilities via Alipay, registration and booking online for hospitals, offline mobile payment via Alipay, buying movie tickets online and so on.

planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay


Virtual Tree Converted into Real Tree Planted

After enough energy collected, the virtual tree grew up in user’s forest in user’s Alipay account, a real tree will be planted correspondingly in the desert of China by specific NGO partners. The user will unlock an environmental protection certificate with an exclusive tree number.

planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay



According to Alipay’s official data, a total of over 400 million worldwide users have joined in Ant Forest program by the end of December 2018. With the help of NGOs, those users have already planted 55,520,000 real trees on earth with a total area of over 760,000 acres.


Why Chinese Loves Planting Trees in Ant Forest?

Ant Forest connected user’s daily life behaviors, daily consumptions with the public welfare. With the help of the virtual plant-growing game, the Ant Forest program made welfare participation becoming more simple to realize, more interesting to keep. Moreover, it also gave additional love value for users’ every mobile payment. Thus, more and more mobile users love to plant trees in Ant Forest day by day.  


Let’s take a closer look at attractive factors that Ant Forest may have, as follows:


Motivate users to MAKE NEW FRIENDS.

The more friends joined, the faster trees grow.


“Collect each other’s green energy, then become friends together” —— From Chinese Internet Users


About ten years before,  a feature “Crop and steal vegetables” of virtual social farm games has been well popular throughout many social platforms in China. This feature has also been implanted into Ant Forest with some optimizations, which still attracted many users to join in and collect green energy day by day.


“The new way of the youth to express disgust on somebody is to collect his/her green energy but never help watering/raising his/her trees.” —— From Chinese Internet Users


In order to collect more green energy from others, crazy users share their forest information on social platforms like Sina Weibo, and even the moments of Tencent’s WeChat. Try to call out any of friends, colleagues, relatives, and their lover to plant virtual trees together in Ant Forest.



Give ADDITIONAL VALUES on mobile payment via Alipay.

It is easy to make public welfare activity at the same time when paying with mobile phones each time.


It is difficult for everyone to plant a real tree by self. However, it is quite simple to achieve in Ant Forest if planting virtual trees successfully.


Just with a few clicks daily, any user can make a real tree planted on earth while an exclusive tree number obtained. Bit by bit of green energy collected will eventually merge into the realizing of forests in the real world.

planting trees on mobiles, plant trees online, ant forest, alipay


Due to this reason, many Chinese people are very happy to participate in Ant Forest and insist on planting virtual trees on mobiles. It becomes one of the methods for them to express their kindness, and show the sense of their existence and self-worth.



Using Mobile Pay via Alipay becomes users FIRST CHOICE.

“It is Ant Forest waking you up, not an alarm clock” —— From Chinese Internet users


After enjoying the good experience of planting a virtual tree,  users are more willing to launch Alipay and pay with mobile phones but not cash or other methods in daily consumptions. Scanning QR code to complete mobile payment, instead of cash, becomes many Chinese people’s subconscious choice and daily life habit.



Encourage WALKING, LOW-CARBON & HEALTHY life concepts.

Besides mobile payment, Ant Forest also guides users with more low-carbon behaviors to obtain more green energy, such as “walking” and “bike sharing” and so on, to reduce the air pollution by driving.


It is said that 7:00 to 7:30 in the morning usually is the golden period that most people will collect friends’ green energy. Thus, to protect their own green energy and forest, Ant Forest also let users get up earlier than ever.



Latest Events

Introduce a FASTER WAY to Collect Green Energy 


—— Collect Energy via Voice Recognition

“Tmall Genie” (天猫精灵,Tiān Māo Jīng Líng), a smart speaker and voice assistant developed by Alibaba have recently released a new feature. If a user says “天猫精灵,帮我收能量!(Tiān Māo Jīng líng, Bāng Wǒ Shōu Néng Liàng)”, the smart device will recognize your voice and understand your requirements fast, and then auto-finish a collection secondly of all green energy available in user’s own forest. Moreover, it will also remind the user whether or not to set an alarm clock for the next energy becoming collectible. It is really helpful and recommends any of you to try it out if available.


Unfortunately, the device currently only supports to recognize voices and response in the Chinese language, not English or others. Let’s expect it could be improved in the near future.




More Stories to Be Continued...

Click to Read Stories about Mobile Payment via Alipay in China

See u soon... : )





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