"A cutie and casual video game "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" is hitting China's Internet and some social platforms. Thanks to some of our players' gaming experiences and also the user trollmz's great map work on Reddit, we have collected and classified the present all mystery islands types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020 as follows with bilingual briefs.  "


|  《集合啦!动物森友会》神秘岛全类型速览

English Words:       Rare Mystery Island Types

Chinese Pinyin:      Xī Yǒu Shén Mì Dǎo Lèi Xíng

Chinese Characters:  稀有神秘岛类型

Similar Chinese Words:   
    岛屿 (Dǎoyǔ)| Island.
    小岛 (Xiǎodǎo)| Small island or islet.
    无人岛 (Wú rén dǎo)| Deserted Island or nobody island.
Related Chinese Words:   
    动物之森 (Dòngwù zhī sēn)| The Chinese name of Animal Crossing (old versions)
    动森 (Dòng sēn)| A extremely shortened Chinese name of Animal Crossing series.
    掌上游戏机 (Zhǎng shàng yóuxì jī) | Handheld or portable game console.
    手柄 (Gāo Diǎn)| The Joy‑Con controllers of Nintendo Switch.
Related Brand: 
    任天堂 (Rèn Tiān Táng)| The Chinese name of the brand Nintendo.

"Animal Crossing: New Horizons" Goes Viral in China

| 《集合啦!动物森友会》在中国走红

Full Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Japanese video game developer & publisher Nintendo has recently released the NS game "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" since March 20, 2020, this as the latest version of its classic Animal Crossing series starts going viral through the Internet in China.

自 2020 年 3 月 20 日日本游戏商任天堂发行了《集合啦!动物森友会》以来,这款经典掌机游戏续作迅速在中国走红。

A bunch of Chinese players, including some novice players who have never been addicted to an NS game, also start loving the game and get touched by some highlights in "Animal Crossing: New Horizons", such as its cute picture style, lovely human-like animal residents, the Simplified Chiese language it supports, the freestyle and as well as the idyllic life experience in the virtual world.


In this game, landing on a mysterious island randomly is the start of a wild mystery adventure. For any novice players, the first question they may ask is how to land on the more advanced or useful mystery island, how many and what types of mystery islands are in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons.


Thus, we have collected and made the following bilingual list of all mystery island types in Animal Crossing New Horizons with bilingual brief tips. It is intended for giving a little help to friends who are just learning the standard Chinese language and also love playing this game. Hope to get more fun of learning Chinese while playing games.



Bilingual List of Full Mystery Island Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons

| 完整的神秘岛类型双语列表

Currently, there are a total of 20 types of mysterious islands found in the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. These mystery islands can be roughly divided into five categories as follows according to their possibilities of occurrence.

  • Basic Mystery Islands easily triggered by most players.
  • Other Common Mystery Islands with specialties.
  • Slightly Rare Mystery Islands.
  • Rare Mystery Islands.
  • Extremely Rare Islands.

目前的游戏版本中一共出现 20 种神秘无人岛类型。根据其出现几率大致可以分为以下 5 类:

  • 玩家最容易碰到的基础岛屿;
  • 相对常见的其他普通素材岛;
  • 不太常见的稀少岛屿;
  • 罕见岛屿;
  • 极罕见的无人岛。

Basic Islands:

With the Highest Possibilities

| 基础无人岛:出现几率最大

Basic Island I ---- a River+Pond island, normal.

It's one the most common Nook Miles mystery islands that most of the players will reach after using a Nook Miles Ticket. It is a two-level layout,  consisting of an almost rectangle mountain at the north (top of the map), a curly river connecting to the ocean, and a small-sized pond as well.

基础岛 一 —— 河塘并存型无人岛,常见。这是大多数玩家使用 Nook Miles 机票后最容易碰到的无人岛之一。双层地形的小岛上,在北部(地图上方)坐落着一座近矩形的小山,另外拥有一条与大海相连的弯曲河流以及一个小池塘。

Basic or Standard Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Basic Island II ---- a Curly-River-Only island, normal.

It is almost the same layout as the Standard Island Type One has except for no pond but a little larger mountain on the island. Remember to bring a Ladder to the mountain too.

基础岛 二 —— 仅弯河岛,常见。它的布局几乎与基础岛 I 相同,只是岛上没有池塘,并且有一座略大的山峰。同样记得要带上梯子爬山。

Basic or Standard Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020


Basic Island III ---- a Pond-only island, normal.

An irregular medium-sized pond is the only source of water on this island, located close to the southern-east, in a form of imperfect heart-like shape. Opposite to the pond, there is a small mountain. It is confirmed that either this island's layout or the form of the pond is unique among all mystery island types.

基础岛 三 —— 仅池塘岛,常见。岛上水源仅有一处不规则形状、中等大小的池塘,位于岛上偏东南角位置,呈不完美的类心形,与之相对方向的是一座小型山峰。可以说,这座岛的布局以及池塘形状在全类型中都是独一无二的。

Basic or Standard Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Basic Island IV ---- a Spiral island, normal.

The river on the island appears to be a spiral shape and finally meets the sea on the west (left side). It is only a one-level island, no mountains or cliffs, so it is no need for players to bring a Ladder but a Vaulting Pole instead due to the river.

基础岛 四 —— 普通漩涡岛。无人岛上的河流呈螺旋状,最终在岛屿西侧(左)与大海汇合。它仅是一个单层岛屿,没有小山和悬崖,因此,玩家无需携带梯子,但因河流的缘故需要带上撑杆。

Basic or Standard Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Other Common Islands: 

With the Possibilities of almost 10%,Relatively Common

| 其他普通岛屿:出现几率接近 10%,相对常见

Mountain Island ---- Common island.

There is a central large mountain on a three-level-layout map, some rocks to hit and trees around. Players need a ladder to climb up the mountain. The disadvantage of this island is hard to fish up because no river or ocean exists there, and also the difficulties of catching tarantulas due to the lack of pond.

山岛 —— 常见。三层地形的小岛中央有一座较大山峰、一些可以敲击的岩石和树木。玩家需要梯子才能爬上山。缺点是因没有池塘而难以捕捉到狼蛛,没有河流所以无法捕鱼。

Common Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Bamboo Island ---- Common island.

There are a large number of trees like bamboo and coconut trees, and a small number of ordinary rocks as well. The island benefits players digging bamboo, cutting down and planting trees, but is at a disadvantage of neither mountains nor source of water like river or pond existing there.

竹林岛 —— 常见。岛上环绕着竹子、椰子树等大量树木,以及少量可敲击的岩石,适合挖竹子、砍树、种树等。缺点是既没有小山,也没有河流或池塘等水源。

Common Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Fruit Island ---- Common island.

Plenty of fruit trees are planted on the island, randomly abounding with a kind of "foreign" fruits, not the ones native to players' islands. Players can pick up the fruits, eat them to infuse strength, exchange with other players, or sell them for bells. In any case, planting trees is quite necessary.

水果岛 —— 常见。岛上种植着许多果树,盛产各种非玩家小岛特出的异国水果。玩家们可以采摘水果,吃水果来补充体力,与其他玩家互换水果,或者卖水果换取铃钱。无论如何,种树是十分必要的。

Common Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Slightly Rare Islands: 

With Low Possibilities of almost 5%

|  稀少岛屿:出现几率低近 5% 

Bell Island ---- slightly uncommon island.

There is a large pond and also an islet in the center. A pole-vault can help players jumping over the river to the central islet. Then there are almost five or six advanced rocks that can produce valuable bells after hitting them.

铃钱岛 —— 不太常见的岛屿。岛中央是一个大池塘以及一座小湖心岛。需要撑杆跳才能跳到湖心岛上。湖心岛上有五六块高级的铃岩石,能敲出值钱的铃钱。

Slightly Rare Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Waterfall Island ---- slightly uncommon island.

It is a three-level island with quite a lot of falls on the island and also some curly river branches linking with the ocean, which make the island perfect for fishing up river and ocean fishes.

瀑布岛 —— 不太常见的岛屿。三层地形的岛屿上,拥有大量瀑布和弯弯曲曲的分岔河道,与海洋相连。非常适合钓淡水鱼(河鱼)和海鱼。

Slightly Rare Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Curly Island ---- slightly uncommon island.

A two-level square cliff is located at the top right corner of the island, and consequently, a curly river connecting to the ocean. Due to that, this island is easier to catch water-related insects like the dragonflies.

弯河岛 —— 不太常见的岛屿。东北角坐落着一个两层的方形悬崖,并由此延伸出一条弯曲的河流与海洋相连。因此,在岛上容易捕捉到蜻蜓等水系昆虫。

Slightly Rare Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

Trash Island ---- normal but slightly uncommon island too.

It is not friendly to fishing, because mostly trashes like tires, cans, and boots can be obtained there if players try fishing up. There is also a possibility for players to get some DIY crafting recipes, but not quite often.

垃圾岛 —— 普通但也不太常见的岛屿。不利于钓鱼,因为钓鱼的话容易钓到轮胎、罐子、鞋等垃圾物。玩家也有可能能获得一些手工物品,但并不常见。

Slightly Rare Mystery Islands Types in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2020

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