支付宝   |   Zhī Fù Bǎo

Say Alipay in Chinese


Say Alipay in Chinese, Chinese name of Alipay, Tell Alipay in Simplified Chinese

The Chinese name of Alipay

支付宝 (zhī fù bǎo) is the Chinese name of Alipay app, China's most popular third-party online payment solution and platform founded by Jack Ma and controlled by Ant Financial Service Group. Alipay was launched in China in October, 2003, by initially providing secure online escrow payment service and now is developed into one of China's most widely-used and indispensable mobile payment tools instead of your physical wallet, bank cards or any cash payment.

Alipay not only allows people to pay or receive money with mobile phones, but also supports dozens of services with convenience including but not limited to go online shopping, order take-outs, pay bills of credit card and expenses on water/electric power/natural gas, buy movie tickets, track parcel delivery, make transactions of funds or financial products, insurances, etc.

To know more about Alipay-related stories, please click to read the bilingual story about Alipay and its international app introduction.

If you are an international tourists and will start your China traveling very soon, you may be interest in our articles like how to register Alipay account overseas without Chinese bank card and also the story on how do foreign tourists top up alipay account

See u soon... : )


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