|  外国游客怎样为支付宝账号充值(国际银行卡版)

How to top up Alipay Account with Visa / MasterCard and More International Bank Cards

Table of Contents

Why Top Up Alipay Account for Foreigner Tourists?

| 为什么要给“支付宝”充值?

It is a good idea for foreign tourists to learn how to top up Alipay account by yourself so that you can enjoy the experience of paying with Alipay in China. Then you don't have to worry about the lack of cash when you take a trip to China.


You don't have to learn ahead about how to recognize Chinese money or how to count the amount of Chinese cash when you purchase goods in a supermarket or retail store or are given Chinese changes in China. They won't be your problems as long as you learn how to top up your Alipay account and pay with Alipay in China.


If fact, as a foreign tourist, you may have to ask others or the third-party's top up service to help you top up into Alipay account before November 2019. And it has been quite difficult for a long time that the foreign tourists are unable to top up Alipay account or experience mobile payment in China as a local Chinese does if you don't have a Chinese bank account or a Chinese phone number.

事实上,在 2019 年 11 月以前,外国游客得找其他人或提供充值服务的第三方平台才能为支付宝充值。很长一段时间里,若没有中国大陆地区的银行账号和当地手机号码,国外游客在中国大陆地区消费很难像当地人一样体验到便捷的手机支付服务。

However, there has been a new solution offered by the Alipay International version since November 2019, which supports Foreign tourists to top up their Alipay account with an international bank card to pay in the Chinese mainland.

但是从 2019 年 11 月起,支付宝发布了国际版来解决这个问题。支付宝国际版允许外国游客通过国际银行卡为支付宝账号充值,以便他们能在中国大陆地区使用支付宝付款。

If foreigners have not yet owned an Alipay account, then they can firstly download Alipay app from the Appstore before departing for China, register an Alipay account using their overseas phone numbers, select the Alipay international version for usage and then top up the fresh Alipay account with their VISA or MasterCard, etc.

若无支付宝账号,那么外国游客可以在前往中国前下载并安装好支付宝应用,用非中国的手机号免费注册一个支付宝账号,然后选择进入支付宝国际版,再用自己的 VISA 或 MasterCard 等国际银行卡完成支付宝账号的充值。

In this way, foreigners can use the amount freely to pay via Alipay in the Chinese mainland within 90 days since the first top-up, instead of asking someone's top-up help or obtaining a Chinese phone number or Chinese bank card at first.

如此这般,在充值起的 90 天内,外国游客们就能在中国大陆地区自由地使用支付宝里的金额买买买,而无需找人帮忙充值了,也无需拥有一个中国手机号或中国银行卡了。

Now, if you have such a demand, just follow the step-by-step guide that can help you learn how to top up Alipay account with your VISA/Mastercard and more international credit/debit cards.


Who Is Applied To This Guide?

| 本教程适用的人群?

The following guide applies to:


A. Foreigners who have already registered an Alipay account with a mobile phone number. If not, please read this guide to register Alipay international account with a non-Chinese phone number at first. No annual fee will be charged for Alipay account registration and usage.

A. 已经拥有支付宝账号的外国人,并且已绑定了自己的手机号。若没有,请阅读这篇用手机号注册支付宝国际版账号的教程。任何人注册和使用支付宝都无需支付任何年费。

B. Those who have at least one valid Credit or Debit card, like VISA、MasterCard, JCB or Diners Club International.

B. 拥有至少一张生效的国际银行借记卡或信用卡,比如 VISA、MasterCard、JCB 或 Diners Club 的银行卡;

C. Those who are planning to start a trip to the Chinese mainland and have already obtained a Chinese VISA.

C. 计划前往中国大陆地区旅游并已获得中国的入境签证;

What Alipay's Function Is Referred to Here?

| 本教程涉及的功能

As of November 5, 2019, Alipay international version provides a "TourPass" mini-program, which can help foreigners apply for a virtual electronic "Prepaid card" of the Bank of Shanghai. And via this service, foreigners can top up Alipay account and transfer money from their own International bank card into Alipay international account.

从 2019 年 11 月 5日起,国际版支付宝内提供了一个内置的“TourPass”小程序,能帮助外国游客申请到一张由上海银行提供的虚拟的电子“预付卡”并绑定到支付宝国际版账号内,然后借此可以将钱从国际银行卡里充值到支付账号里。

"TourPass" in Alipay international version is the service to enable foreign tourists to pay at retail outlets, restaurants and transportation services around China after topping up Alipay.

“TourPass” 是支付宝国际版中让国外游客充值后可以在中国境内的零售店、餐馆以及公共交通设施中用手机支付的服务。

It allows you to load money into Alipay TourPass from your credit/debit card for 90-day mobile payment experience. Later, any unused balance will be refunded to your bank account after 90 days.

该服务允许您将钱从信用卡或储蓄卡转到支付宝的 TourPass 服务里,用于 90 天的手机支付体验。之后,未用完的金额将会在 90 天后返回到您的银行卡上。

Please continue to the followings and take a look at how to top up Alipay account step-by-step.


How to Top up Alipay Account With VISA/MasterCard and More Debit/Credit Cards?

| 怎样用国际银行卡为支付宝账号充值?

Step 01





Step 01.   Launch & Login Your Alipay Account

| 登录支付宝应用


How to Top up Alipay Account with Visa MasterCard and More in 2020

Launch the Alipay app by clicking the "Alipay logo" from your mobile phone's desktop.


After it is launched, input your registered phone number and click the "Next" button to continue the sign in step. Although you are also able to login with an Email address or Taobao ID, the only way of login with a phone number can make the following steps smoothly for topping up via TourPass service.

启动后,输入注册时使用的手机号码,然后点击 “下一步” 继续登录流程。尽管你还可以输入邮箱地址或淘宝账号来登录支付宝,但是只有通过手机号登录才能帮助你顺利完成接下来的 TourPass 充值服务。

You may be probably asked for verification if you try to login via phone number. In order to receive verification messages smoothly, please make sure that you are staying in the region with no problem to receive short messages.


Step 02





Step 02.   Make Sure Using Alipay International 

| 使用支付宝国际版

How to Top up Alipay Account with Visa MasterCard and More in 2020

When you first register an Alipay account, you will be asked whether to use the international version of Alipay or not. Click the "Yes" button so that you can then use the necessary TourPass service opened only for foreign tourists who don't have a Chinese Bank account.

首次注册支付宝账号时,你可以选择是否使用支付宝国际版。请点击按钮“是”,这样,你才能开启专为无中国银行卡的外国游客提供的 TourPass 服务。

If you login Alipay with your mobile phone number successfully, but not sure if you are using the Alipay International version, you can go to Me page by clicking the "Me" tab menu at the bottom, then click the top-right "Settings" button to jump to the page, go to the "Region" field and change it to somewhere overseas. After that, you might generally be switched to the Alipay International version, in which there are fewer services provided for overseas on the main page than that for the local Chinese.


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