Tell the Number 520's Meaning in Chinese:The Homophonous 520 Meaning Love

解读中文里 520 数字的秘密: 代表爱的谐音梗

Do you know the 520 meaning in Chinese language and culture and the date similar to the 520? May 20th is not one of the traditional festivals in China. But the day on May 20th means something romantic to the Chinese people due to its association with the Chinese number 520. So what is exactly 520 meaning in Chinese? The following story will tell the number 520 meaning in Chinese language and culture.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
521 Wǔ èr yī another homophonous number to express love in Chinese.

Related Chinese Words:
1314 Yī sān yī sì another popular Chinese homophonous number for loving someone all life, love to the death, love forever.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

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What Is "520" Meaning In Chinese?

在中文里,520 指什么?

520 is a set of Chinese love numbers, with the hidden meaning of the popular love sentence "I love you". It is because that the pronunciation of 520 in Chinese sounds quite similar to what we said "我爱你" (Wǒ ài nǐ) in Chinese, which is exactly the Chinese expression of I love you in English.

520 是中文里的表达爱意的一组数字,隐藏有“我爱你”的含义。这是由于数字 520 在中文里的发音听起来与用中文说“我爱你”的读音十分相似 ,而“我爱你”恰好是中文里表达 "I love you" 的句子。

The Figure "5" in 520 with Chinese Meaning

520 中的数字 “5”

To be specific, the number "5" is simplified written as "五" in Chinese, the lowercase Chinese number, and pronounced as (wǔ), similar to the pronunciation of the Chinese character "我" (wǒ).

具体来说,数字 “5”,中文里写为小写数字“五”,其读音(Wǔ),与中文汉字 “我” 的读音相似。

The Figure "2" in 520 with Chinese Meaning

520 中的数字 “2”

Second, the number "2" is simplified written as "二" in Chinese, the lowercase Chinese number, and pronounced as (èr), similar to the pronunciation of the Chinese character "爱" (ài).

其次,数字 “2”,中文里写作小写数字“二”,其读音(èr),与中文汉字 “爱” 的读音相似。

The Figure "0" in 520 with Chinese Meaning

520 中的数字 “0”

And, the third number "0" is simplified written as "零" in Chinese, the lowercase Chinese number, and pronounced as (líng), similar to the pronunciation of the Chinese character "您" (nín) and especially to its Cantonese pronunciation.

第三个数字 “0”,中文里写作小写数字“零”,其读音(líng),与中文字 “您” 的读音相似,尤其接近其粤语发音。

Such similar Chinese pronunciations are called "谐音" (Xié yīn) in Chinese, with the meaning of homophonous. The Chinese characters, numbers or words with similar Chinese pronunciations but different writings and meanings are accordingly called "谐音字"、"谐音数字" in Chinese language.

这种相似读音,在中文里称作“谐音(Xié yīn)”, homophonous。而具备这种相似中文读音以及不同字形和字义的中文字词、数字也因此被称作“谐音字”、“谐音数字”。

520 Meaning in Chinese Also Refers to Date

数字 520 也可能代表日期

In China, the number 520 may also mean a special day. If the Chinese people are talking about 520, they are probably talking more about the day of May 20th other than the set of Chinese love numbers 520.

在中国,数字 520 也可能表示一个特殊的日子。 如果有中国人谈起 520, 他们或许不是在说这组中文爱情密码,而是很有可能在谈论 5 月 20 日这一天。

It is because both reading and writing orders of the time & dates in Chinese are Year - Month - Date - Hour - Minute - Second. The number 520 is right to match with the Chinese writing rules of month and date. For this reason, 520 meaning in Chinese also refers to the date of May 20th.

因为在中文里,时间的读写顺序都是 年 - 月 - 日 - 时 - 分 - 秒。而数字 520 的中文读写正好与 5 月 20 日的中文日期对应。基于这个原因,520 的中文含义也可能指的就是 5 月 20 日这一天。

Therefore, in many Chinese’s opinions, the day of May 20th is considered as a perfectly romantic day for anyone to declare love to lovers.

因此,在许多中国人眼中,5 月 20 日是一个非常适合对爱人表白的浪漫日子。

The Chinese Homophonic Culture


What is "谐音" (Xié yīn) in China? 谐音 means the homophones or near-homophones in Chinese language, that's to say, the Chinese pronunciations of some Chinese characters or numbers are the same or similar to the other Chinese characters but with different writings and meanings.


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