Learn Complete Everyday Chinese Time Expressions for Days: Day-Related Words and Phrases For Different Tenses


The Everyday Chinese Time Expressions for Days and Day-Period, Days of the Week and Weeks, Months, Years, etc are the basic skills for Chinese language study. The following Chinese Time Expressions for Days and Day-Period of Time are the most common Chinese time words and phrases that are used to indicate the tenses or time events in Standard Chinese. Unlike that in English, there are no verb tenses in Chinese sentences. Instead, to indicate the past, present, and future tense, the Chinese time phrases and expressions are playing important roles in conjunction with some Chinese Time Adverbs and Tense Auxiliary Words.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
“日”的时间短语 Rì de shí jiān duǎn yǔ Chinese phrases of days or Chinese time expressions for days.

Related Chinese Words:
“月”的时间短语 Yuè de shí jiān duǎn yǔ Chinese phrases of months or Chinese time expressions for months.
“年”的时间短语 Nián de shí jiān duǎn yǔ Chinese phrases of years or Chinese time expressions for years.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

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What Are Everyday Chinese Time Expressions for Days and Day-Period?


The Everyday Chinese Time Expressions for Days refer to the day-related time words and phrases that are the most commonly used to indicate tenses or day-related events in the modern Chinese language.


Firstly, Two Core Characters to Signal A Day

核心字 “日”与“天”:指明以“日”为时间基准

In standard Chinese, the two core characters are marking the meaning of a "Day" in the common Chinese time expressions for days, both of which can help distinguish the following Chinese time words for days from others, such as those for weeks, months, years, etc.

在汉语里,一般用两个汉字来指明是以 “日” (Rì) 为基准的时间词,从而将以下表达“日”相关的中文时间词与其他如周、月、年的时间词区分开来。

Learn everyday Chinese time expressions for days, Chinese day-related words and phrases

These Core Characters to signal the "Day" in Chinese as below:


  • (Rì) - here means the "day" in Chinese
    日 - 这里指“日子”

    • a formal Chinese character to signal the day or sometimes a particular day in Chinese time expressions.
    • often appears in written Chinese and more formal time expressions.
    • and its original meaning refers to the sun.
  • (Tiān) - also means the "day" in Chinese
    天 - 这里也指“日子”

    • a casual Chinese character to mean the day or sometimes the season in Chinese time expressions.
    • often appears in both spoken and written Chinese. see sample expressions below.
    • and its original meaning refers to the sky.

See simple samples of everyday Chinese time expressions for days.

Next, Several Chinese Time Indications Help Distinguish Day Period of Time and Tenses


Generally, the core characters can not tell the Completed Chinese time expressions for days solely unless they are matched with some Chinese time indications, such as the basic morphemes "昨"(zuó), "今"(jīn), "明 "(míng), etc. Checkout their meanings as below.


Learn everyday Chinese time expressions for days, Chinese day-related words and phrases

Additionally, these indications among Chinese time expressions for days not only show us the differences of time but also indicate which tense there are in the sentences. As we know, there are no verb tenses in Chinese sentences but using the Chinese time expressions, some Chinese time adverbs, and tense auxiliary words instead to indicate whether it's the past, present, future, or other tenses.


The Common Chinese Time Indications Used in Chinese Time Expressions for Days as below:


  • To indicate Past tense: (zuó) - last, past, yesterday, (qián) - past, former, previous
  • To indicate Present tense: (jīn) - now
  • To indicate Future tense: (míng) - next in time words, (hòu) - after in time words

A Series Samples of Everyday Chinese Time Expressions for Days and Meanings


The following list is given a series of everyday Chinese time expressions for days and their meanings.


Everyday Chinese Time Words for Days with Two Simple Characters


  • 昨天 - (zuó tiān) - yesterday
  • 今天 - (jīn tiān) - today
  • 明天 - (míng tiān) - tomorrow
  • 前天 - (qián tiān) - the day before yesterday
  • 后天 - (hòu tiān) - the day after tomorrow
  • 一天 - (yì tiān) - one day
  • 数天 - (shù tiān) - several daya
  • 每天 - (měi tiān) - everyday, each day
  • 天天 - (tiān tiān) - everyday, daily, day by day
  • 当天 - (dāng tiān) - same day
  • 整天 - (zhěng tiān) - all day
  • 半天 - (bàn tiān) - half a day, half of the day
  • 白天 - (bái tiān) - daytime

Everyday Chinese Time Phrases for Days with Three-Character Combination


  • 大前天 - (dà qián tiān) - three days ago, or the second day before yesterday
  • 大后天 - (dà hòu tiān) - three days later, three days from today, or the second day after tomorrow
  • 前一天 - (qián yì tiān) - the previous day
  • 后一天 - (hòu yì tiān) - the previous day
  • 三天前 - (sān tiān qián) - three days ago, similar to "大前天"
  • 五天后 - (wǔ tiān hòu) - five days later, in five days
  • 数天前/后 - (sān tiān qián/hòu) - several days ago/later

Advanced: The Regular Collocations of Chinese Time Expressions for Days with two/three or more characters


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