Top Social Trending Chinese of Week #15: Know What's on Weibo 2021 from Hot Searches & Chinese HashTags

最新微博热搜: #2021年第15周# 中文热词

Discover top social trending Chinese of week 15 2021 right now and hottest Chinese hashtags from Weibo hot searches list and other popular Chinese social platforms. Try best to learn Chinese daily and simply by studying the top trending Chinese words, phrases, and hashtags, to find out what's on Weibo and what's popular among the Chinese as well. Hope helps!

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
中文热搜词 Zhōng wén rè sōu cí The hot searches in Chinese.

Related Chinese Words:
微博热搜 Wēi bó rè sōu Hot searches on China Weibo platform.
实时热搜榜 Shì shí rè sōu bǎng The real-time ranking list of hot searches.

Related App:
新浪微博 Xīn làng wēi bó One of China's largest social media platform.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

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What Is "Top Social Trending Chinese"?


The "Top Social Trending Chinese" of A week refers to the up-to-date hot Chinese hashtags and topics weekly-discovered on Chinese social media platforms like Weibo. It aims to help any Chinese-language learners studying Standard Chinese language (Simplified Chinese) from the latest hot trends in Chinese and discover more popular and useful Chinese skills.


Get Top Social Trending Chinese of Week #15 Among Weibo Hot Searches 2021

#第15周# 2021年微博热搜之一周中文热词

Following top social trending Chinese of week 15 are picked out among the latest Sina Weibo's hot searches list 2021, which are the fresh new, easy-to-learn hot Chinese words and hashtags appearing on China's social platforms at the current.

以下是来自新浪微博热搜的第 15 周部分热门词句,均为当下涌现的最新热门关键词和话题,简单易学。

Keep reading the following to get the up-to-date hot Chinese trends promptly and what's on Weibo right now in early April 2021. Start your Chinese learning and China-related business by simply access to the top trending Chinese here.


Top Social Trending Chinese #1:  


The Top Social Trending Chinese word #清明# on China's popular social platform Weibo refers to a traditional Chinese festival "Qingming Festival" in China. The Chinese Qingming Festival usually falls between the mid-spring and late-spring season in China. It not only belongs to the world-famous and unique "Twenty-Four Solar Terms" but also is a traditional festival for Chinese to pay tribute to the dead families, lovers and ancestors, and to mourn at the cemetery for the heroes who have died but is worth respect as well. And that is called "扫墓" in Chinese - the grave-sweeping activities in the Chinese Qingming festival.

清明 (Qīng míng),处于仲春和暮春之交,是中国的二十四节气之一,也是中国人扫墓祭祖、缅怀英烈的传统节日。

As the Qingming Festival 2021 arrived on April 4th, the Chinese word "mark>#清明#" has ranked the top social trending Chinese word of week 15 on Weibo's hot search list and more popular Chinese social platforms.

随着 2021 年 4 月 4 日清明节的到来,#清明#一词迅速登上了微博等平台的热搜榜,成为第 15 周的中国社交网络中的热门词之一。

Top Social Trending Chinese #2:  
#The Hundredth Day of 2021#


April 10th, 2021, it's the 100th day in the year 2021, implying that almost one-third of time has passed by in this year. When this day arrived, a little Chinese hashtag #The 100th day of 2021# just appeared on China's Weibo and other popular social platforms to call people's attention on year-time-passing and their thinking about how spending on the past or rest of the year.

4 月 10 日这一天恰好是 2021 年第 100 天。当这一天到来时,一条中文热门标签 #2021年第100天# (Èr líng èr yī nián dì yī bǎi tiān)悄悄在微博等社交媒体中上线,唤起人们对光阴流逝的关注以及如何度过已逝或未尽时光的思考。

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