Top China Weibo Hot Searches 2021 of Week #16: Know What's on Weibo and Hot Bilingual Chinese HashTags

最新微博热搜:#2021年第16周# 中文热词

Weekly discover top China Weibo Hot Searches 2021 Week #16 from the following English-Chinese bilingual story and get hottest bilingual Chinese hashtags as well from Weibo hot searches list and other popular Chinese social platforms. Try the best to learn Chinese daily and up-to-date by catching the top Chinese hot search, phrases, and hashtags. Help you find out what's on Weibo and what's popular among the Chinese. Enjoy!

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
中文热搜词 Zhōng wén rè sōu cí The hot searches in Chinese.

Related Chinese Words:
新浪微博 Wēi bó Full name as Sina Weibo, The Popular Chinese social media platform.
实时热搜榜 Shì shí rè sōu bǎng The real-time ranking list of hot searches.

Related App:
微博 Xīn làng wēi bó One of China's largest social media platform.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation on GoogleSay “Weibo Hot Searches 2021” in Chinese

What Is "China Weibo Hot Searches" in 2021?


The "Top China Hot Searches" usually refers to the real-time hot searching result list on the official Sina Weibo platform, one of China's largest and most popular social media platforms and Chinese social apps. The Sina Weibo Hot Searches List in China provides the ranking result and updates of their real-time hot search queries, topics, and multi-field hotspots at regular intervals.


In other words, the China Weibo Hot Searches represent the hottest information, the most frequently used search queries, and Chinese hashtags at the current.


The following listed up-to-date hot Chinese hashtags and topics weekly-discovered on Chinese social media platforms like Weibo, aiming to help any Chinese-language learners studying Standard Chinese language (Simplified Chinese) from the latest hot trends in Chinese and discover more popular and useful Chinese skills.


Get China Weibo Hot Searches 2021 Week #16 and Top Chinese HashTags in April

#2021年第16周# 微博热搜之一周中文热词

Following top China Hot Searches 2021 Week 16 are picked out among the latest Sina Weibo's hot search queries, which are the fresh new, easy-to-learn hot Chinese words and hashtags appearing on China's social platforms right now.

以下是来自新浪微博热搜的第 16 周部分中文热词,均为当下涌现的最新热门关键词和话题,简单易学。

Keep reading the following to get the up-to-date Chinese hot search words and phrases promptly, as well as to know what's on Weibo right now in April 2021. Start your Chinese learning and China-related business by simply access to the Social Chinese Hot Searches and trends here.


China Weibo Hot Searches W16-#1:  
#Chinese Womean's Football Team Reached Tokyo 2020 Olympics#


One of top China Weibo hot searches #中国女足晋级东京奥运会# appearing on China's most popular social platform Weibo is getting related to two hot Chinese phrases and topics: the Chinese Women's national football team and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in 2021. On April 13th, China's women's national football team has won the qualification of the delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympics with a dramatic draw against South Korea by the final score of 4-3 on aggregate in the Asian Women's football qualifier.

中国女足晋级东京奥运会 (Zhōng guó nǚ zú jìn jí dōng jīng ào yùn huì) 与“中国女足”、“东京奥运会”这两个中文词组有关。2021 年 4 月 13 日,在迟来的奥运会女足附加赛中,中国女子足球队在落后两球的情况下通过加时赛逆转战局,最终凭借总比分4-3战胜对手韩国女足队,成功晋级 2020 年的东京奥运会。

As the news released, the related Chinese hashtags like #中国女足晋级东京奥运会# rapidly ranked on the top Weibo hot searches list on the night, with an overall reading volume of related topics up to 3.69 billion on China's Weibo platform. Accordingly, it also triggered massive congratulating repost, sharing, and discussions on the Chinese social network not limited to Weibo, WeChat moment, and Douyin videos (the Chinese TikTok app), etc.

随后,中国女足的晋级消息迅速登上了新浪微博热搜榜,微博相关话题阅读量高达 36.9 亿,并在微博、微信朋友圈、抖音小视频为代表的中国网络上火速传播,引发大量转发和热议。

China Weibo Hot Searches 2021 W16-#2:  
#China's MFA Global Promotion Event for Hubei#


On April 12, a special promotional event for Hubei, the hardest hit Chinese province by COVID-19, was held by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) through online/offline channels, as well as a 2-minute Hubei video released, to introduce the strong resilience of the province and the heroic city amid the pandemic, showcase its robust recovery, present Hubei Province to the world and build for it a new bridge of foreign cooperation.

4 月 12 日,中国外交部以线上线下结合的方式举行主题为“英雄的湖北:浴火重生,再创辉煌”的 外交部湖北全球推介会 (Wài jiāo bù hú běi quán qiú tuī jiè huì) 特别活动。一则 2 分 14 秒的外交部湖北全球推介宣传片正式发布,向世界展示湖北省及武汉市经历艰难抗疫后、浴火重生的新面貌,郑重地向全球推介中国湖北。

Meanwhile, the nearest date of April 8 marks the first anniversary of the lifting of lockdown in Wuhan, Hubei province. Another video under the subject of "Wuhan Back to Business" was released too and widely spread on Chinese social platforms, accordingly arousing great attention and viral reposts, series of Wuhan-related hashtags in Chinese ranking into hot searches as well. It recalled the locals their battle days against the COVID-19 pandemic in the past year, also gained massive respect and wishes to heroic city and residents.

同时,4月8日,是武汉“解封”及重启一周年的日子。另一则 2 分 33 秒、以“武汉 重出江湖”的视频也同样在各大中国的社交网络中分享开来,引发高度关注和转发,相关热词迅速登上各大热门词条,收获全网致敬与祝福。

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