How to Pause Long Voice Messages And Resume Playing in the Weixin / WeChat App?


The text or voice messages, which do you prefer sending via the instant messaging app like Weixin or WeChat? Recently, a new feature to pause long voice messages playing and resume is supported by the new updated version of the Weixin/WeChat iOS app. Continue the story to find out how to do with this new feature.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
停止播放 ting zhǐ bō fàng To stop the playing.

Related Chinese Words:
中止 zhōng zhǐ means to break off or pause, different from similar Chines word "终止" which means to terminate or end up.

Related App/City:
微信 wēi xìn The most popular instant messaging tool and mobile app developed by Tencent.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation on GoogleSay “to Pause” in Chinese

What Long Voice Messages To Pause in Weixin/WeChat?


The long voice messages, turned into Chinese as 长语音消息 (Cháng yǔ yīn xiāo xī) usually look like a string of white voice message items leading by a voice icon and followed by a time value in seconds format, that you may receive from others in a kind of mobile instant messaging app, e.g. China's Weixin/WeChat (the International Version of Weixin App) or iPhone's iMessage app.


You must have received such long voice messages before. Sometimes, you may have felt annoyed that you have to play the voice message again and again in order to grasp all information it carried because the voice message you received was too long to hear the full at once.


In this case, to pause 暂停 (zàn tíng) or resume playing 恢复/继续播放 (huī fù/jì xù bō fàng) for long voice messages becomes quite necessary and friendly for user experience. That's what the new feature has been added into the latest Weixin/WeChat app in recent time. For the iOS users of this app, let's now take a look at the following steps on how to pause long voice messages playing in the Weixin/WeChat app.


Additionally, only long voice messages the length of which is up to 13 seconds are allowed to activate the playing pause and resume function in the Weixin/WeChat app.

而且,只有长度超过 13 秒的语音消息才被视为一条“长语音消息”,并支持语音暂停和继续播放的功能。

Steps on How to Pause Long Voice Messages and Resume Playing in Weixin/WeChat

教程: 暂停语音播放

Take Weixin/WeChat app on an iPhone as an example. The steps are quite similar within the App on other mobile devices.


Step 01. Check and Update Weixin/WeChat


Step One on How to Pause Long Voice Messages and Resume Playing in Weixin/WeChat

The new feature of pausing and resuming playing long voice messages is currently supported by Weixin/WeChat v8.0.17 or later for iPhone users. Thus, firstly make sure you are using the latest version of the app. If not, tap "Mine" - "Settings" - "About" to check for updates, go to Apple AppStore and install the latest version (v8.0.17 or higher) of Weixin/WeChat if necessary.

语音暂停和续播功能是微信 iOS 新版 v8.0.17 中加入的新功能。因此,请依次点击“我的”-“设置”-“关于微信”检查已安装的微信版本。若低于 v8.0.17,请先去应用商店更新至 v8.0.17 或更高。

Common Chinese Words Related to Checking Updates


Step 02. One Tap to Pause Playing


Step Two on How to Pause Long Voice Messages and Resume Playing in Weixin/WeChat

After upgrading to the latest version, launch the Weixin/WeChat app and find out the recent long voice message you've received in the Chatting History interface.


Make sure the time value displaying upon the voice message item is greater than 13 seconds. Then play the voice message by tapping it. After playing, now you are able to tap the long voice message once to pause the playing in the Weixin/WeChat app.

当播放一则长语音消息(至少 13 秒)时,轻点一下语音消息条,就能实现暂停语音播放。

Common Chinese Words Related to Pause Playing


Step 03. Tap A Button to Resume Playing


Step Three on How to Pause Long Voice Messages and Resume Playing in Weixin/WeChat

When you paused a long voice message playing in Weixin/WeChat, a Small Grey Button with text atop like "Resume Play" or the corresponding Chinese 继续播放 (jì xù bō fàng) would appear after the voice message item. Under the "Pause" status, now you can resume the long voice message playing by tapping again on the small grey button.


Common Chinese Words Related to Resume Playing


More Questions & Answers


Q1. Does Weixin/WeChat Android Support to Pause Long Voice Messages or Resume Playing?

The Weixin/WeChat for Android users will absolutely support the function to pause and resume the playing of long voice messages in the app, but a bit later than that the iOS version has done. Keep an eye on the upcoming version updates of Weixin/WeChat for Android.

Q2. Is There Any Button to Pause the Playing of Long Voice Messages in Weixin/WeChat App?

No, there's no additional Pause button appeared in Weixin/WeChat app. Instead, just tap the long voice message item directly you received which is playing after you have tapped it.

Q3. Can I Resume the Playing by Tapping the Voice Message Item?

No. It is only allowed to tap the Resume Playing button on the right of the voice message item for resuming the playing.

Q4. Can I Rewind or Fast-forward the Voice Messages in Weixin/WeChat?

No, only the playing pause and resume function are allowed at the current.

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