Tips for Memorizing Full Names of Hand Parts / Knuckles / Fingers in Chinese Language with Their Meanings


Do you know the Chinese names of Fingers, Hands, Hand parts, or Knuckles? And what about the efficient way to memorize their Chinese names with meanings? This story is trying to find out small associations among each Chinese name of hand parts and fingers in the Standard Chinese language and hopes to help you master the body parts with basic and common Chinese words.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
中文名称 zhōng wén míng chēng Names in Chinese
指头 zhǐ tóu Another popular name of fingers in spoken Chinese.
手指头 shǒu zhǐ tóu Another popular name of fingers in spoken Chinese.

Related Chinese Words:
手部 shǒu bù Hand Parts in Chinese.
手掌 shǒu zhǎng Palm of the hand in Chinese.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation on GoogleSay “Fingers in Chinese”

How to Call Fingers in Chinese Language?


Remember Names of Hands Knuckles Fingers in Chinese Language with Ease

To know how to call fingers in the Chinese language is one of the must-have skills in Chinese study and daily life. For example, it's necessary to learn how to call fingers in the Chinese language first before you learn Chinese number gestures and hand signs with a text story.


For better and quickly memorizing the following names of fingers in the Standard Chinese language (Putonghua), we will start to introduce them based on the high correlation among the fingers instead of the common order such as from left to right or vice versa.


"Thumb Finger" in Chinese | 大拇指

大拇指 - (dà mǔ zhǐ) - That's the name we call "Thumb Finger" in Standard Chinese (Putonghua, aka. Standard Mandarin)

The Chinese name 大拇指, used to the Thumb Finger, and also shortly known as 拇指 (mǔ zhǐ) in Chinese, is the first and thickest finger on your hand.


People are more often calling it 大拇指 in spoken Chinese, which is relative to the calling of the little finger 小拇指.


"Little Finger" in Chinese | 小拇指

小拇指 - (xiǎo mǔ zhǐ) - That's the name we call "Little Finger" in Standard Chinese (Putonghua, aka. Standard Mandarin)

The Chinese name 小拇指, to imply the Little Finger in Chinese, refers to the smallest finger on the hand, also much known as 尾指 (wěi zhǐ) or 小指 (xiǎo zhǐ) in written Chinese.


In its Chinese name of 尾指, the first character (wěi) means at the end position. Another Chinese character (xiǎo) in the name of 小指 is used to describe the small shape and volume, opposite to the common Chinese character (dà).


That's the reason people often call the little finger in spoken Chinese as 小拇指, opposite to the thumb's Chinese name of 大拇指.


"Middle Finger" in Chinese | 中指

中指 - (zhōng zhǐ) - That's the name we call the "Middle Finger" in Standard Chinese (Putonghua, aka. Standard Mandarin)

The Chinese word 中指, used to indicate the Middle Finger, is the finger standing in the middle position, also the longest one on the hand. The Chinese character (zhōng) is exactly meaning the middle.


"Index Finger" or "Forefinger" in Chinese | 食指

食指 - (shí zhǐ) - That's the name we call the "Index Finger" or "Forefinger" in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chinese word 食指 used to call the Index Finger, is the second finger next to the thumb on the hand.


The first character (shí) in the Chinese language means food when used as a noun, and the behavior of eating when as a verb. It is told that because most people used to test and taste food by using the second finger, it was named 食指.


What's more, there's a related four-word Chinese idiom called 食指大动 (shí zhǐ dà dòng), to describe the delicious food which triggers the index finger to move and followed by a taste.


"Ring Finger" in Chinese | 无名指

无名指 - (wú míng zhǐ) - That's the name we call the "Ring Finger" in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chinese word 无名指, to indicate the Ring Finger, is the fourth finger on the hand, opposite to the index finger. The name of ring finger got in western countries is not commonly used in China due to different cultures and customs, especially the different Eastern-Western Wedding customs.


In the view of the Chinese, the fourth finger is less thick than the thumb, not as deft as the index finger on movement, and less tall than the middle, like a nobody on earth that has nothing to be mentioned. That's why it finally got the Chinese name of 无名指 in China.

中国人认为,第四根手指,不及大拇指粗,不及食指灵活,也不像中指那么长, 因此,最终落得一个“无名小卒”的名字。这就是无名指名称中“无名”二字的由来。

Useful Tips for Memorizing Chinese Finger Names


Remember Names of Hands Knuckles Fingers in Chinese Language with Ease

How to Call Hand Parts And Knuckles in Chinese?


Remember Names of Hands Knuckles Fingers in Chinese Language with Ease

"Hands" in Chinese | 手

左手 - (zuǒ shǒu) - That's the name we call "Left Hand" in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The common word 左手, to call the Left Hand in Chinese, refers to the hand on the left side. The first character (zuǒ) means left, opposite to the character (yòu).


右手 - (yòu shǒu) - That's the name we call "Right Hand" in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The common word 右手 indicating the Right Hand in Chinese, refers to the hand on the right side. The first character (yòu) means right, opposite to the (zuǒ).


"Hand Parts" in Chinese | 手部位

手掌 - (shǒu zhǎng) - That's the name we call the "Palm" of a Hand in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chinese word 手掌 used to call Palm in Chinese, refers to the side of the hand where the fingertips touch when making a fist.


The Chinese character (zhǎng) usually means the hollow part of the palm or underside of the foot.


手背 - (shǒu bèi) - That's the name we call the "Back" of a Hand in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chinese word 手背, used to call the Back in Chinese, here refers to the back of the hand, opposite to 手掌.


The character (bèi) means the back.


手脘 - (shǒu wàn) - That's the name we call the "Wrist" of a Hand in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chines word 手腕, indicating the Wrist of the hand, refers to the part of the body that connects the palm of the hand to the forearm, which is just the meaning of the character (wàn) in Chinese.


手指 - (shǒu zhǐ) - That's the name we call "Fingers" collectively in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chinese word 手指, a collective name of Fingers in Chinese, refers to the five terminal branches of the front part on one hand. Each has its own Chinese name, as described above.


"Knuckles" in Chinese | 手指关节

指关节 - (zhǐ guān jié) - That's the name we call "Knuckles" collectively in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chinese word 指关节, a collective name of Knuckles in Chinese, refers to a section of a finger bone. It can be called 指节 (zhǐ jié) in Chinese for short.


If you want to specify the knuckle of a thumb, just put the thumb name in front of the knuckle name, such as 大拇指关节 (dà mǔ zhǐ guān jié), and others similar to it.


手指甲 - (shǒu zhǐ jia) - That's the name we call "Fingernail" collectively in Standard Chinese (Putonghua).

The Chinese word 手指甲, to imply the Fingernail in Chinese, refers to the semi-transparent nail-like tissue (keratinous plate) that covers the front of the finger.


Please note, all nails at the tip of the fingers and toes can be called 指甲 in Chinese.


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