|  怎样用手机号注册微信

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

Table of Contents

What Are Weixin and WeChat?

| 微信 (Wēi Xìn) 与 WeChat

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

Weixin, written as 微信 (Wēi Xìn) in simplified Chinese, initially was a Chinese instant message app developped by one of China's tech giant - Tencent company, and now has become a super social platform integrated with rich convenient functions in China.  WeChat is the name of Weixin's international version.

微信 (Wēi Xìn),最初在中国是由腾讯公司开发而成的即时通讯工具,而现在已发展成为了一款集众多功能于一身的超级社交平台,而 WeChat 是微信国际版的名称。

Nowadays, Weixin (WeChat) means more than an ordinary tool restricted on messaging and social communication in China. You can think of it as an all-in-one combination of Skype, WhatsApp, iMessage, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Both Weixin and WeChat integrate plenty of features into one app.

如今,微信 (Wēi Xìn) 能做的事早已超越了仅能收发消息的普通社交工具。你可以将微信想象成在功能上整合了如 Skype, WhatsApp, iMessage, Instagram, Facebook 等众多功能的一站式产品。

Due to the benefits and convenience brought to the Chinese people, the Weixin app has been broadly installed in China and widely used across almost all ages. It not only supports one-to-one/group chatting and working communication, and also allows users to read the latest news and various up-to-date articles/reviews, share photos and videos with friends, pay bills online or offline like supermarkets and stores, go access to shopping online, mobile top-up, pay charges for water/electricity/bandwidth utilities, and access to much more life and public services online.


Furthermore, as WeChat is got to know by more international users, Weixin and WeChat are no longer limited in the Chinese market. The official data revealed that both Weixin and WeChat together have already attracted over 1 billion registered users all over the world.

另外,随着在海外逐渐拥有的知名度,微信也不再仅局限于中国市场了。据官方数据透露,微信及其国际版目前在全球已拥有超过 10 亿的注册用户。

What Difference Between Weixin and WeChat?

| 微信 (Wēi Xìn) 与 WeChat 的区别?

Written as 微信 (Wēi Xìn) in Simplified Chinese, Weixin is developed by Tencent for Chinese users, while WeChat is its international version developed for users out of China. WeChat is a little bit different from Weixin, although most of the functions in both two apps are the same.

微信,是由腾讯为中国用户开发的版本,而 WeChat 是其为中国以外的用户开发的国际版。两个版本大部分的功能是相同的,不过 WeChat 仍与微信有一点区别。

For example, if your registered WeChat with the mobile phone numbers out of China, you could experience an international version of Weixin, that is to say, WeChat, such as with no ads before watching videos in WeChat.

举例来说,如果你使用非中国的手机号码注册 WeChat,那么你可以体验到的是微信国际版的功能,即 WeChat, 如在 WeChat 中的视频播放前无嵌入广告。

If you registered Weixin with a Chinese phone number, you can enjoy all the full functions of Weixin, such as the quick entry of Tencent’s mobile games and Weixin mini-games.


WeChat or Weixin, Which One Is Better for Me?

| 该用 WeChat 还是微信?

Here comes some suggestions. If your mobile phone number comes from the areas out of China, it is suggested to install WeChat, the international version of Weixin. If not, you’d better install the Weixin app.

如果你使用的是非中国的手机号,建议你安装国际版的 WeChat 。如果用的是中国手机号,安装微信更好。

If you are or will live in China for a while, and want to get deep into Weixin as the Chinese people did, you can install the Weixin app, after all, in which more functions are available in China.


Don’t worry about the interface language. Both Weixin and WeChat can support 20 different languages in localization for global users to handle.

别担心应用界面语言的问题。微信和国际版本的 WeChat 都支持 20 种不同的本地化语言,方便全球用户上手使用。


How To Register WeChat Account on a Mobile Phone?

| 怎样注册 WeChat 账号?

Take an iPhone device as an example. The steps are quite similar to other mobile phones.

以下步骤,以 iPhone 手机为例。其他智能手机上的操作步骤与其类似。

Step 01





Step 01. Launch WeChat and Click "Sign Up" Button

| 步骤一、 启动微信并点击注册按钮

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

The WeChat app will auto-identify the default language configured on your mobile phone and change the interface language correspondently. It makes the following WeChat sign up steps easier for overseas.


Step 02





Step 02. Input a Valid Phone number to Sign up WeChat

| 步骤二、 输入你的有效手机号

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

In the “Sign up WeChat with mobile” interface, click "Region" to change your mobile phone’s country/area code. Then you can see a list of global regions supported in WeChat.


Step 03





Step 03. Set up an Exclusive Password for WeChat.

步骤三、 设置你专属的微信密码

The password in WeChat requires 8-16 characters and a combination of both digits and letters, limited special characters allowed.

微信密码要求 8 ~ 16 位的数字加英文字母或部分特殊字符的组合。

Step 04





Step 04. Read and Agree with Privacy Policy

| 步骤四、 阅读并同意隐私策略

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

You can read WeChat's privacy policy in detail. Click "More…" text link for more consent content required to know about.

这里可以仔细阅读隐私条款,点击 More… 链接可以阅读更详细的需用户同意的内容。

Please remember to tick the checkbox "I have read and agree to the above terms" and then click the Next button to jump to the next two-step security check, an important step to complete WeChat sign up process.

记得勾选 “I have read and agree to the above terms” 并点击下一步按钮跳转至两次安全检查的步骤。

Step 05





Step 05. Finish Puzzle Captcha - Security Check One

| 步骤五、 完成拼图验证 - 安全检查(1)

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

You will see an image-based puzzle unfinished when entering the first security check.


It is supposed to confirm that the current user is a human, not a robot, in order to avoid spam registrations.


Now, you can drag the slider to move the puzzle piece into the proper position of the puzzle image in fast or normal human speed, to complete this check with success.


register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

Step 06





Step 06. Finally, Ask Friend Help Register (Security Check Two)

| 步骤六、 最后,请朋友助力完成注册 - 安全检查(2)

This step is a little bit strict but mainly aims to avoid account abuse.、


For overseas, you have to ask at least one qualified WeChat user to help you finish the new user registration.


And still, two ways here are available for you to ask a qualified WeChat user (your friend) to help your registration.


Here comes the official instruction of Help Method One: Let a WeChat friend scan the specific QR code for help registration.


It works especially when your WeChat friend is right next to you. When you are face-to-face with each other, it will be more convenient and faster by using the scanning function.


register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

And, here comes the official instruction of Help Method Two: To help registration, let a WeChat friend manually input your registered phone number, instead of QR code scanning.


It works when your WeChat friend is not staying at your side. Then he or she can help you remotely.


register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

Help Method One ---- Scan Your QR Code

| 好友助力方法一 —— 扫描二维码完成验证

In this case, you can ask a qualified WeChat user for help and use Method One supported to complete verification and sign up.


The qualified  must meet the conditions below:


a. A WeChat user from the same country who registered longer than a month ago or a mainland Chinese user who registered more than six months ago.

a. 与你来自同地区(手机号归属地相同)的且已注册 1 个月以上的海外微信用户账号;或已注册 6 个月以上的中国大陆微信用户账号。

b. The user has not used the Registration Assistant to help others within the past month.

b. 该帮助账号在最近一个月内未帮助其他人完成微信注册。

c. The user has not been blocked from logging in recently.

c. 该帮助账号最近未被封号,禁止登录过。

d. If the user is based in mainland China, the user must have enabled WeChat Pay.

d. 若该帮助账号属中国大陆用户拥有,该用户需开通了微信支付功能。

Next, how could the qualified WeChat user do by using Method One?


Please check out the answer about how to complete WeChat registration using Method One below.

请查看以下 FAQ 中关于如何使用方法一来通过验证并完成微信注册

Help Method Two ---- Help Inputting Phone Number Registered

| 好友助力方法二 —— 输入注册用的手机号完成验证

Here you can also ask a qualified WeChat user using Method Two to complete verification and sign up.


The qualified WeChat user for help must meet the conditions below:


a. WeChat user who has already registered for more than six months.

a. 已注册 6 个月以上的微信用户账号;

b. This account has set up WeChat Pay.

b. 该用户已开通了微信支付功能;

c. The user did not use the Help Friend Register to help anyone within the past month.

c. 该帮助账号在最近一个月内未帮助其他人完成微信注册。

So, how could a qualified WeChat user do by using Method Two?


Please check out the answer about how to help complete WeChat registration using Method Two below.

请查看以下 FAQ 中关于如何使用方法二来通过验证并完成微信注册

Finally, if everything above goes smoothly, you will register WeChat with success. Then you can log in WeChat with the mobile phone number and the password you have set up during the registration. Or other multiple ways to login WeChat are also available.


More Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

| 常见问题与答案

Q1: How does a qualified WeChat user help complete WeChat registration using Method One?

|  问:满足条件的微信用户该如何通过“方法一”来帮助我完成微信注册?

A: The steps are as below, which are operated in WeChat of your friend’s mobile phone.


1). Request the qualified WeChat user to launch WeChat, click the top right plus icon on the “Chats” interface, select “Scan“ option; or click “Scan” in the “Discover” tab.

1). 请求符合条件的微信用户启动微信应用,点击“微信聊天”界面右上角的“+”图表,选择“扫一扫”;或店家“发现”界面的“扫一扫”按钮;

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

2). Scan the QR code currently displayed on your mobile phone in WeChat. As far as we know, the valid QR code is time-limited, about five minutes or so. If it turns to be invalid, please go back to the previous step and click Next button again to request a new QR code to scan.

2). 扫描您手机目前显示出的二维码。 据了解,该二维码有大约五分钟的时效限制。若变为无效,可返回上一界面再次点击下一步按钮再次获取新的二维码扫描即可。

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

Q2: How does a qualified WeChat user help complete WeChat registration using Method Two?

|  问:满足条件的微信用户该如何通过“方法二”来帮助我完成微信注册?

A: The steps are as below, which are operated in WeChat of your friend’s mobile phone.


1). Request the qualified WeChat user to launch WeChat, click the Search field on the top interface of Chats tab; or click Search in the “Discover” tab.

1). 请求符合条件的微信用户启动微信应用,点击微信聊天界面顶部的搜索框;或从发现界面点击搜索按钮。

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

2). Input “WeChat Team” in the search field, then click and enter into the official Account “WeChat Team”.

2). 在搜索框内输入“ WeChat Team ”,并在结果中点击“ WeChat Team ”(微信团队)这一官方微信号。

3). In the official account, click the bottom "Account" button and then "Help Friend Register" (displayed as "Registration Assistant" before) in the sub-menu.

3). 在微信团队的官方账号中,依次点击底部菜单栏的“账号”及其子菜单中“帮助好友注册”的按钮(以前显示为“注册助手”)。

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

4). In the next interface, please let your friend change the area code and input Your mobile phone number which is requesting to register WeChat.

4). 在下个界面中,请您的好友改选国家代码,并输入您注册微信时所用的手机号码即可。


Questions & Additional

Have you got any tips from the bilingual Chinese story above?

Do you have any other questions or suggestions?

You are free to write down in the "Comments" section below.

Any thought from yours could be appreciated, valuable, and might help the rest of the residents on the planet. 😀


Did You Start Learning Chinese with Pinyin?

Continue to read our User-friendly Chinese-Pinyin version of this story

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Hope it Helps! : )


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For Logged-In Members Only
Easy-to-learn Pinyin: 

Shén me shì wēi xìn hé WeChat yìng yòng

Standard Chinese Pinyin: 

Shénme shì wēixìn hé WeChat yìngyòng

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

Easy-to-learn Pinyin: 

Wēi xìn, zuì chū zài zhōng guó shì yì kuǎn jí shí tōng xùn yìng yòng, xiàn zài chéng wéi le yì kuǎn jí zhòng duō gōng néng yú yì tǐ de chāo jí shè jiāo gōng jù.

Standard Chinese Pinyin: 

Wēixìn, zuìchū zài zhōngguó shì yī kuǎn jíshí tōngxùn yìngyòng, xiànzài chéngwéile yī kuǎn jí zhòngduō gōngnéng yú yītǐ de chāojí shèjiāo gōngjù.

Easy-to-learn Pinyin: 

Zài quán qiú yǐ yōng yǒu chāo guò 10 yì de zhù cè yòng hù.

Standard Chinese Pinyin: 

Zài quánqiú yǐ yōngyǒu chāo guò 10 yì de zhùcè yònghù.

Easy-to-learn Pinyin: 

Wēi xìn yǔ WeChat de qū bié?

Standard Chinese Pinyin: 

Wēixìn yǔ WeChat de qūbié?

Easy-to-learn Pinyin: 

Wēi xìn,shì yóu téng xùn gōng sī wèi zhōng guó yòng hù kāi fā de bǎn běn,ér WeChat shì qí wèi zhōng guó yǐ wài de yòng hù kāi fā de guó jì bǎn. Liǎng gè bǎn běn dà bù fèn de gōng néng shì xiāng tóng de,bú guò WeChat yǔ wēi xìn réng cún zài yì diǎn qū bié.

Standard Chinese Pinyin: 

Wēixìn,shì yóu téngxùn gōngsī wèi zhōngguó yònghù kāifā de bǎnběn,ér WeChat shì qí wèi zhōngguó yǐ wài de yònghù kāi fā de guójì bǎn. Liǎng gè bǎnběn dà bùfèn de gōngnéng shì xiāngtóng de,bùguò WeChat yǔ wēixìn réng cúnzài yìdiǎn qūbié.

Easy-to-learn Pinyin: 

Jǔ lì lái shuō, rú guǒ nǐ shǐ yòng fēi zhōng guó de shǒu jī hào mǎ zhù cè WeChat, nà me nǐ kě yǐ tǐ yàn dào de shì wēi xìn guó jì bǎn de gōng néng, jì WeChat. Bǐ rú shuō, zài WeChat lǐ, shì pín bō fàng qián wú qiàn rù guǎng gào.

Standard Chinese Pinyin: 

Jǔlì lái shuō, rúguǒ nǐ shǐyòng fēi zhōngguó de shǒujī hàomǎ zhùcè WeChat, nàme nǐ kěyǐ tǐ yàn dào de shì wēixìn guójì bǎn de gōngnéng, jì WeChat. Bǐrú shuō, zài WeChat lǐ, shìpín bōfàng qián wú qiànrù guǎnggào.

Easy-to-learn Pinyin: 

Rú guǒ nǐ shǐ yòng zhōng guó shǒu jī hào zhù cè wēi xìn, nà me nǐ kě yǐ xiǎng yòng wēi xìn de quán bù gōng néng, bǐ rú néng xùn sù jìn rù téng xùn shǒu jī yóu xì hé wēi xìn xiǎo yóu xì de yóu xì zhōng xīn rù kǒu.

Standard Chinese Pinyin: 

Rúguǒ nǐ shǐyòng zhōngguó shǒujīhào zhùcè wēixìn, nàme nǐ kěyǐ xiǎngyòng wēixìn de quánbù gōngnéng, bǐrú néng xùnsù jìnrù téngxùn shǒujī yóuxì hé wēixìn xiǎo yóuxì de yóuxì zhōngxīn rùkǒu.

Gāi ān zhuāng WeChat hái shì wēi xìn?

Rú guǒ nǐ shǐ yòng de shì fēi zhōng guó de shǒu jī hào, jiàn yì nǐ ān zhuāng guó jì bǎn de WeChat. Rú guǒ yòng de shì zhōng guó shǒu jī hào, ān zhuāng wēi xìn gèng hǎo.

Rú guǒ nǐ zhèng hǎo huò jì jiàng zài zhōng guó zhù yí duàn shí jiān, bìng qiě xī wàng gēng shēn rù de tǐ yàn yì xià xiàng zhōng guó rén bǎn shǐ yòng wēi xìn, nǐ kě yǐ ān zhuāng wēi xìn, bì jìng zài zhōng guó zhè ge bǎn běn duì yòng hù kāi fàng le gèng duō de gōng néng.

Bié dān xīn yìng yòng jiè miàn yǔ yán de wèn tí. Wēi xìn hé guó jì bǎn běn de WeChat dōu zhī chí èr shí zhǒng bù tóng de běn dì huà yǔ yán, fāng biàn quán qiú yòng hù shàng shǒu shǐ yòng.

Zěn yàng yòng shǒu jī hào zhù cè WeChat zhàng hào?

Yī. qǐ dòng wéi xìn, bìng diǎn jī zhù cè àn niǔ.

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Wēi xìn huì zì dòng shí bié nǐ de shǒu jī xì tǒng mò rèn yǔ yán, bìng pǐ pèi xiāng yìng yǔ yán de yòng hù jiè miàn.

Èr. shū rù yǒu xiào de shǒu jī hào.

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Zài zhù cè jiè miàn, xuǎn zé yǔ shǒu jī hào mǎ pǐ pèi de guó jiā huò dì qū. Wēi xìn zhōng kě gōng xuǎn zé de dì qū fēi cháng duō.

Shè zhì nǐ zhuān shǔ de wēi xìn mì mǎ;

Wēi xìn mì mǎ yāo qiú 8~16 wèi de shù zì jiā yīng wén zì mǔ huò bù fèn tè shū zì fú de zǔ hé.

Sì. yuè dú bìng tóng yì yǐn sī cè lüè.

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Zhè lǐ kě yǐ zǐ xì yuè dú yǐn sī tiáo kuǎn, diǎn jī More… liàn jiē kě yǐ yuè dú gèng xiáng xì de xū yòng hù tóng yì de nèi róng.

Jì dé gōu xuǎn “I have read and agree to the above terms” bìng diǎn jī xià yí bù àn niǔ tiào zhuǎn zhì liǎng cì ān quán jiǎn chá de bù zhòu.

Wǔ. ān quán jiǎn chá () - pīn tú yàn zhèng.

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Jìn rù shǒu gè ān quán jiǎn chá jiè miàn, nǐ jiāng kàn dào yī zhāng pīn tú tú piàn.

Běn yàn zhèng de mù dì shì wèi le zhèng míng běn cāo zuò shì zhēn rén cāo zuò ér fēi jī qì, bì miǎn wú xiào de lā jī zhù cè.

Tuō dòng huá kuài jiāng pīn tú kuài tuō dòng dào pīn tú zhōng quē shī de wèi zhì wán chéng pīn tú, zé tōng guò yàn zhèng.

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Liù. ān quán jiǎn chá (èr) - péng yǒu bāng zhù tōng guò zhù cè.

Gāi bù zhòu lüè yán gé, dàn zhǔ yào shì wèi fáng zhǐ zhàng hào làn yòng.

Duì hǎi wài yòng hù lái shuō, xū zhì shǎo qǐng yí wèi mǎn zú tiáo jiàn de wēi xìn yòng hù lái bāng zhù nǐ wán chéng wēi xìn de xīn yòng hù zhù cè.

Yǒu liǎng zhǒng cāo zuò fāng fǎ kě yǐ ràng fú hé tiáo jiàn de wēi xìn yòng hù zhù nǐ wán chéng zhù cè.

Yǐ xià lái zì guān fāng jiè miàn de shuō míng:

register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019


register WeChat account with mobile phone, register WeChat 2019, sign up WeChat 2019

The following steps operated in WeChat of your friend’s mobile phone.

Hǎo yǒu zhù lì fāng fǎ yī :sǎo miáo èr wéi mǎ wán chéng yàn zhèng

Běn fāng fǎ zhōng, kě bāng zhù zhù cè de wēi xìn yòng hù bì xū mǎn zú yǐ xià tiáo jiàn:

a. Yǔ nǐ lái zì tóng dì qū (shǒu jī hào guī shǔ dì xiāng tóng) de qiě yǐ zhù cè yī gè yuè yǐ shàng de hǎi wài wēi xìn yòng hù zhàng hào; huò yǐ zhù cè liù gè yuè yǐ shàng de zhōng guó dà lù wēi xìn yòng hù zhàng hào

b. Gāi bāng zhù zhàng hào zài zuì jìn yí gè yuè nèi wèi bāng zhù qí tā rén wán chéng wēi xìn zhù cè;

c. Gāi bāng zhù zhàng hào zuì jìn wèi bèi fēng hào, jìn zhǐ dēng lù guò

d. Ruò gāi bāng zhù zhàng hào shǔ zhōng guó dà lù yòng hù yǒng yǒu, gāi yòng hù xū kāi tōng le wēi xìn zhī fù gōng néng

Mǎn zú tiáo jiàn de wēi xìn yòng hù rú hé shǐ yòng fāng fǎ yī zhù wǒ tōng guò yàn zhèng wán chéng wēi xìn zhù cè?

Fāng fǎ yī de cāo zuò rú xià, qǐng zài nín péng yǒu shǒu jī lǐ de wēi xìn jiè miàn zhōng wán chéng。

Yī). qǐng qiú fú hé tiáo jiàn de wēi xìn yòng hù qǐ dòng wēi xìn yīng yòng ,diǎn jī “wēi xìn liáo tiān ” jiè miàn yòu shàng jiǎo de “+” tú biǎo ,xuǎn zé “sǎo yī sǎo ”;huò diàn jiā “fā xiàn” jiè miàn de “sǎo yī sǎo” àn niǔ ;

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Èr). sǎo miáo nín shǒu jī mù qián xiǎn shì chū de èr wéi mǎ 。 jù le jiě ,gāi èr wéi mǎ yǒu dà yuē wǔ fèn zhōng de shí xiào xiàn zhì 。ruò biàn wéi wú xiào ,kě fǎn huí shàng yī jiè miàn zài cì diǎn jī xià yī bù àn niǔ zài cì huò qǔ xīn de èr wéi mǎ sǎo miáo jí kě 。

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Hǎo yǒu zhù lì fāng fǎ èr :shū rù zhù cè yòng de shǒu jī hào yàn zhèng

Běn fāng fǎ zhōng, kě bāng zhù zhù cè de wēi xìn yòng hù bì xū mǎn zú yǐ xià tiáo jiàn:

a. Yǐ zhù cè liù gè yuè yǐ shàng de wēi xìn yòng hù zhàng hào

b. Gāi yòng hù yǐ kāi tōng le wēi xìn zhī fù gōng néng

c. Gāi bāng zhù zhàng hào zài zuì jìn yí gè yuè nèi wèi bāng zhù qí tā rén wán chéng wēi xìn zhù cè;

Mǎn zú tiáo jiàn de wēi xìn yòng hù rú hé shǐ yòng fāng fǎ èr zhù wǒ tōng guò yàn zhèng wán chéng wēi xìn zhù cè?

Fāng fǎ èr de cāo zuò rú xià, qǐng zài nín péng yǒu shǒu jī lǐ de wēi xìn jiè miàn zhōng wán chéng。

). qǐng qiú fú hé tiáo jiàn de wēi xìn yòng hù qǐ dòng wēi xìn yīng yòng diǎn jī wēi xìn liáo tiān jiè miàn dǐng bù de sōu suǒ kuàng huò cóng fā xiàn jiè miàn diǎn jī sōu suǒ àn niǔ

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Èr). zài sōu suǒ kuàng nèi shū rù “ WeChat Team ”,bìng zài jié guǒ zhōng diǎn jī “ WeChat Team ”(wēi xìn tuán duì )zhè yī guān fāng wēi xìn hào 。

Sān). zài wēi xìn tuán duì de guān fāng zhàng hào zhōng ,yī cì diǎn jī dǐ bù cài dān lán de “zhàng hào ”jí qí zǐ cài dān zhōng “bāng zhù hǎo yǒu zhù cè ”de àn niǔ (yǐ qián xiǎn shì wéi “zhù cè zhù shǒu ”)。

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Sì). zài xià gè jiè miàn zhōng ,qǐng nín de hǎo yǒu gǎi xuǎn guó jiā dài mǎ ,bìng shū rù nín zhù cè wēi xìn shí suǒ yòng de shǒu jī hào mǎ 。

Zuì hòu ,ruò yǐ shàng shùn lì ,nǐ de wēi xìn zhàng hào jiù zhù cè chéng gōng le 。

Zhī hòu nǐ kě shǐ yòng gāi shǒu jī hào hé zhù cè guò chéng zhōng yǐ shū rù de mì mǎ lái dēng lù wēi xìn 。Yě kě yòng qí tā gèng duō zhǒng fāng shì lái dēng lù wēi xìn 。




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