Chinese YuanDan, New Year's Day in Chinese With Yuandan Wishes Suggestion


Start your new year by introducing a new word - Chinese "Yuandan", or the two-character word 元旦 you may have seen before, as well as the same Chinese festival. The following story aims to help anyone like you make a simple start on the traditional Chinese Yuandan Festival - the New Year's day in Chinese, the festival's Chinese word, and how to send Chinese Yuandan wishes/greetings on the festival. Let's jump to it.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
新年第一天 Xīn nián dì yī tiān The first day of new year called in Chinese.

Related Chinese Words:
庆祝元旦 qìng zhù yuán dàn Celebrate YuanDan (the New Year's Day in China) festival.
元旦快乐 yuán dàn kuài lè Happy YuanDan's Day, Happy New Year's Day.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation on GoogleSay “Happy New Year's Day” in Chinese

What Is "YuanDan" In Chinese?


2020 yuan dan kuai le happy new year 2020!

The word YuanDan in Chinese, written as 元旦 (yuán dàn), refers to the first day of the Year in China, pointing to the date January 1st of the solar calendar in most countries of the world. If the year number is added in front of the word Yuandan, such as 2020 元旦 in Chinese, it usually means the date of January 1st of the year, such as January 1st in 2020.

元旦,在中国指的是每年阳历的 1 月 1 日这一天,即世界上大多数国家的“新年第一天”。若在元旦前面加上年份,如2020 年元旦,则是指这一年的第一天,如 2020 年 1 月 1 日。

Yuandan is a traditional Chinese festival name, also well known as New Year's Day. But Yuandan is different from China's New Year, the latter of which in China has a world-famous name called "Spring Festival" in English or 春节 (chūn jié) in Chinese. Although both means the first day of the year, Yuandan falls on the first day of the year based on the Solar calendar while the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival refers to the beginning of the year based on the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar.


What Does The Word Yuandan Consist of? Chinese Meanings?


The Chinese Word Yuandan is consisting of two simple Chinese characters: and , both several simple strokes on writing. Let's take a view of each below with examples.


A Simple Character "元" in Chinese Yuandan

The character (yuán) in Chinese means the first, initial, or the head. Therefore, there are similar Chinese words like 元年 (yuán nián), 元月 (yuán yuè), respectively indicating the "First Year" and "First Month" in a period.

“元”,在中文里,有第一的、初始的、头一个、首个的含义。所以在中文里有“元年”、“元月” 这样的汉语词语,分别表示“第一年”、“第一个月”。

On the other hand, it's also common to see the character in the currency transaction business because in China is also known of the unit of Chinese currency which is called 人民币 (rén mín bì) or RMB for short, and also the ending character in the Chinese names of some country's currency, e.g.
美元 (měi yuán) for Dollars in Chinese,
日元 (rì yuán) for Japanese Yen, etc.


An Interesting Character "旦" in Chinese Yuandan

The second character (dàn) initially means a day, especially the first day of a month in the Chinese lunisolar calendar which is usually called 初一 (chū yī) in Chinese.


From the glyph perspective, the character (dàn) is composed of two other basic Chinese characters (rì) and (yī), which seem as if the sun rising from the sea level.


Moreover, the character (rì) in Chinese is exactly the meaning of the sun. That is probably the reason that (dàn) in Chinese also indicates the morning, to symbolize the beginningof a day. For example, there is two-character Chinese word 旦夕 (dàn xī), separately specifying the morning and the night in Chinese.


Consequently, Chinese people combined and into a new word called 元旦 (yuán dàn) in Chinese, to indicate the first day in January, also extended to the first day of a common Year. And in China, this word symbolizes a new start of the year while everything looks fresh and new again.

因此,中国人将“元”字和“但”字结合起来合成“元旦”一词,指向 1 月里的第 1 天,也就是每年新年开始的第 1 天,象征着新年伊始,万象更新。

When Is Chinese Yuandan Festival or Holidays?


The YuanDan Festival Holiday is the first legal holiday held by the Chinese throughout the year. As we know above, Yuandan means the first day of a year, the day of which is usually the start of the festival and leading a three-day holiday including the nearest weekend.

元旦,是中国人全年拥有的第一个法定节假日。如上所述,我们知道元旦指的是阳历新年的第一天,这一天通常是元旦佳节的开始,加上最近的周末两天形成一个长达 3 天的小长假。

However, there are also exceptions. Since the day of YuanDan in 2020 is exactly Wednesday, there is only a one-day holiday available for the public falling on only January 1, 2020.

但也存在特殊情况。比如在 2020 年,元旦日正好是星期三,因此 2020 年的元旦在中国仅在 2020 年 1 月 1 日这一天放假 1 天。

How to Express YuanDan Wishes & Greetings in Chinese?


The most popular and shortest Yuandan wishes must be the four-character Chinese greeting: 元旦快乐! (yuán dàn kuài lè). And this has almost become the basic formula for Chinese festival greetings like "XX 快乐", just replacing XX with festivals' Chinese names.

表达元旦祝福最常见也是最简单的句子是“元旦快乐!”。“XX 快乐”这几乎成为了用中文表达节日祝福的万能公式,只要套用上节日的中文名即可。

But to pay serious attention here, this formula is NOT proper to use for some sorrow festivals, e.g. NOT for "Tomb Sweeping Day" 清明节 (qīng míng jié) in China.


In the end, we wish everybody all the best and smiles throughout the whole year.
Happy New Year's Day! 元旦快乐!!!


To know more Chinese Festivals with cultural customs, or looking for starting Chinese learning entertainingly, keep an eye on our updating at




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Calendar: Chinese Yuandan Festival And Holidays


(Jié rì míng)
(Rì qī)
元旦 2020
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期三
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī sān)
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
元旦 2021
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期五
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī wǔ)
Friday, January 1, 2021
元旦 2022
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期六
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī liù)
Saturday, January 1, 2022
元旦 2023
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期日
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī rì)
Sunday, January 1, 2023
元旦 2024
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期一
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī wǔ)
Monday, January 1, 2024
元旦 2025
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期三
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī sān)
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
元旦 2026
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期四
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī sān)
Thursday, January 1, 2026
元旦 2027
(Yuán dàn)
Yuandan Festival
(aka. Chinese New Year's Day)
1月1日 星期五
(1 yuè 1 rì, xīng qī wǔ)
Friday, January 1, 2027

Tips: Jump to related Chinese Festival Holidays. And switching to Large-screen devices could enable you to view the full Chinese Legal Holidays Calendar, Festival Dates and Working Arrangements of details.

(Jià qī míng)
(Qǐ zhǐ rì qī)
Start~End Date
(Tiáo xiū)
元旦小长假 2020
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
1月1日 放假
(1 yuè 1 rì, fàng jià)
Jan 1

元旦小长假 2021
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
1月1日~3日 放假
(1 yuè 1 rì ~ 3 rì, fàng jià)
Jan 1 ~ Jan 3
Friday ~ Sunday

元旦小长假 2022
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
1月1日~3日 放假
(1 yuè 1 rì ~ 3 rì, fàng jià)
Jan 1 ~ Jan 3
Saturday ~ Monday

元旦小长假 2023
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
元旦小长假 2024
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
元旦小长假 2025
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
元旦小长假 2026
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
元旦小长假 2027
(Yuán dàn xiǎo cháng jià)
Yuandan Festival Holidays
aka. New Year's Day
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined
(Dài dìng)
To Be Determined

Tips: Jump to related Chinese Festival and dates. And switching to Large-screen devices could enable you to view the full Chinese Legal Holidays Calendar, Festival Dates and Working Arrangements of details.



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