Watch List: China's Major 2021-2022 New Year Celebration Films to Binge

观影列表:2021 年末的中国贺岁档电影

Supposing that you are familiar with Christmas Holiday Films, do you know what is the New Year Celebration Season for Films? As the coming of New Year 2022, the so-called "Tiger Year" in Chinese, a new round of Christmas and New Year Celebration Films kicked off in December China, 2021.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
贺岁档 hè suì dàng The new year celebration season for movie releases. Get more details below.

Related Chinese Words:
圣诞季 shèng dàn jì The Chinese phrase for Christmas Holiday Season.
元旦档 yuán dàn dàng The movie season scheduled for YuanDan Festival Holidays or known New Year's Day Holidays.
跨年 kuà nián The popular Chinese word stands for ringing in the new year or new year countdown.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

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What Are 2021 New Year Celebration Films?


The 2021 New Year Celebration Films are pointing at a Chinese movie term, 贺岁档电影 (hè suì dàng diàn yǐng), and a movie release season with noticeable potential box-office income in China.

2021 New Year Celebration Films 在中国指向一个电影方面的术语“贺岁档电影”,以及一个拥有足够票房潜力的电影发行档期。

Roughly speaking, if films' debut were made in December, e.g. December of the year 2021, and continued screening to the early January of 2022 until the start of the Chinese New Year (or Spring Festival) holidays, these films are usually titled with a collective term 2021 贺岁档电影 or rigorously the 2021-2022 贺岁档电影 in Chinese. It refers to the movies mostly released in December and kicked off the celebration for the upcoming new year, as well as the prelude for Spring Festival movie season in China.

大致来说,若某些电影的公映时间在年末的 12 月内,如 2021 年的 12 月,并持续上映到下一年如 2022年的 1 月初,春节假期开启前夕,那么这批电影通常被冠以“2021 贺岁档电影”或更严谨点的说法“2021-2022 贺岁档电影”,即选择 12 月庆贺新年来临之际上映的电影,也是中国春节档的前奏曲。

China's Major 2021-2022 New Year Celebration Films


It's known that over 50 films have screened on the 2021 Christmas Holiday and New Year Celebration Season in China.

据了解,2021 年中国的圣诞&贺岁档上映超过 50 部影片。

Let's take a view of the following major 2021 Christmas and New Year Celebration films in Chinese, listing in an order of the latest total box-office data until January 14, 2022, in the Chinese mainland. Most of them have selected a fiercely competitive time period from Christmas Eve to the New Year Countdown for the premiere.

以下按当前中国大陆地区总票房成绩列出了 2021 年的头部贺岁档电影,它们大多数选择了集中在 12 月下旬公映,尤其是平安夜到跨年当天。

December 17: "Fireflies In the Sun"

The Suspensive Sequel Hits One Billion CNY

2021年12月17日首映:《误杀 2》

Title: Fireflies In the Sun (aka. Sheep Without a Shepherd II )

片名:《误杀 2》

Tag: Drama, Crime, Family


Release Date: 2021-12-17 (Chinese Mainland)

上映日期:2021 年 12 月 17 日 (中国大陆地区)

Origin: Chinese Film


Fireflies in the sun, The Top-grossed Chinese film of 2021 Christmas and New Year Celebration films

After extending the Chinese title of "Sheep Without A Shepherd", the 10th of 2019 Top Best Chinese Films, it brought us a new adaption based on the almost-20-years-old American story "John Q", but blended with localized creation, reversed and suspense plot of the same series. Not surprisingly, it could probably become the Chinese top-grossing Christmas & New Year Celebration film in 2021.

《误杀2》在延续 2019 年十强中国电影之一《误杀》作品名的基础上,演绎了一个全新的改编故事。剧情在 20年前旧作《迫在眉睫》的美式故事基础上进行了中国本土化改编和表达,加入误杀系列一致的悬疑元素和反转情节。若无意外的话,本影片将成为 2021 年圣诞及贺岁档的中国票房冠军。

Fireflies in the sun, The Top-grossed Chinese film of 2021 Christmas and New Year Celebration films

December 31: "Embrace Again"

China's Epidemic-Battle-Themed Movie


Title: Embrace Again


Tag: Drama, Love, Warm, Epidemic Battles, Wuhan, New Year Countdown


Release Date: 2021-12-31 (Chinese Mainland)

上映日期:2021 年 12 月 31 日 (中国大陆地区)

Origin: Chinese Film


Embrace Again, The second top-grossed Chinese film of 2021 Christmas and New Year Celebration Films

This is the fourth Chinese movie with a major theme on the battles against the epidemic, following July's "Chinese Doctor", the documentary "Days And Nights in Wuhan" in January as well as the "Heroes In Harm's Way" of last year. Different from previous works, the story is adapted from true stories of the locals in Wuhan during the epidemic and well performed by a group of Wuhan-er & Hubei-er movie stars and great Chinese actors/actresses in Wuhan city. From the latest box-office data, it is probably the second of 2021-2022 Top Grossing New Year Celebration Films in China.

这是继《中国医生》(2021年7月)、纪录片《武汉日夜》(2021年1月)以及《最美逆行者》(2020年)后的第四部以中国抗疫为题材的中国电影。与前几部不同的是,这部电影改编自疫情期间在武汉真实发生的普通人的故事,并由一部分武汉籍 & 湖北籍,以及其他中国优秀演员在武汉当地拍摄的影片。从最新票房成绩来看,它极有可能成为 2021 年中国贺岁档影片的票房亚军。

Embrace Again, The second top-grossed Chinese film of 2021 Christmas and New Year Celebration Films

December 31: "G Storm"

The Final Sequel To HK Series

2021年12月31日首映:《反贪风暴 5》

Title: G Storm

片名:《反贪风暴 5》

Tag: Action, Crime, Police & Gangster, Anti-Corruption, Hong Kong


Release Date: 2021-12-31 (Chinese Mainland)

上映日期:2021 年 12 月 31 日 (中国大陆地区)

Origin: Chinese (Hong Kong) Film


G Storm, The Third Top-grossed Chinese Film of 2021 Christmas and New Year Celebration Films

It's the final sequel to Hong Kong's "Storm" series since 2014, a typical Hong Kong police and gangster movie with storytelling for their fightings against the corruption among HK senior customs officers.


G Storm, The Third Top-grossed Chinese Film of 2021 Christmas and New Year Celebration Films

January 1: "Another Me"

Must-Have Comedy For New Year Celebration


To know more new Chinese films, film-related Chinese words/phrases, or looking for starting Chinese learning entertainingly, keep an eye on our updating at




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