Latest Top Chinese New Year Films in Early 2021 Pushed China's Lifetime Highest Grossing Movies List Updated


What do you know about Chinese New Year Films 2021? February 12 is the beginning of Chinese New Year 2021, the Ox year, and it is also the first day for the theatrical release of seven Chinese new year films in China. And as far as we got from the data, the total box office revenue of the latest Chinese new year films 2021 have hit several new records including the highest-grossing Spring Festival Movies of all time, China's domestic weekend box office record, and also broken the global single-market monthly box office record in February 2021. Let's check them out.

Target Story Words

English Words:

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Similar Chinese Words:
超级大片 Chāo jí dà piān The hottest Chinese films, China's blockbusters.

Related Chinese Words:
影片 Yǐng piān Films or movies.
票房 Piào fáng The Box office of a film or movie.
电影院 Diànyǐng yuàn The cinema or movie theatre.

Related Apps:
猫眼 Māo yǎn Maoyan, the app providing films and box office data as well as online movie ticketing services in China.
淘票票 Táo piào piào Taopiaopiao, another app also providing films and box office as well as online ticketing services in China.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

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What Is "Chinese New Year Films"? What about in Chinese?


Chinese New Year Films 2021

You are probably familiar with the Chinese New Year Festival, which is also called the "Spring Festival". But you may have not known about the Chinese New Year Films and its Chinese phrase.


The "Chinese New Year Films", or known as "Spring Festival Films", are not the films telling the stories around the subject of traditional Chinese New Year Festival but referring to the theatrical films planning for release or being released during the Chinese New Year period. And it is for the reason that such a period is called the "Chinese New Year Movie Season". You're free to click here to know more about the Chinese New Year Movie Season and its Chinese meaning.


In the new year 2021, there are seven new theatrical films that have selected the first day of Chinse New Year 2021 as their opening release day, which of the day is known as "大年初一 (dà nián chū yī)" in Chinese. And their release tells a good start to the Chinese New Year Movie Season of 2021.

在新年里,共有七部新院线电影选择了在中国新年第一天进行首映,即中文里俗称的“大年初一”这一天。这些影片的上映也开启了 2021 年的中国春节档。

These Latest Chinese New Year Films Pushed China's Lifetime Highest-Grossing Movies List Updated


The lively Chinese New Year Film Season has almost gone to an end. As of the end of February, the Chinese New Year films of 2021 have produced a total gross of over 12.2 billion yuan (approximately $1.88 billion US dollars) this month. It not only hits a new record of the highest-grossing Chinese New Year films of all time but also sets both the domestic and the global single-market monthly box office records exceeding $1.8 billion US dollars.

热热闹闹的中国春节档已接近尾声了。截至 2 月底,2021 年中国春节档电影总票房已超过 122 亿,创下中国历年春节档电影票房和中国电影市场单月票房突破 122 亿元(约 $18.89 亿美元)的新记录,也创造全球单月市场票房 $18+ 亿美元的新纪录。

Among these Chinese New Year films 2021, the following two of them have become the new blockbusters. The champion film "Hi, Mom" led the second-placed "Detective Chinatown 3" to kick the "Avengers 4: Endgame" out of China's top 5 highest-grossing movies of all time, and both have occupied the third and the fifth of the ranking list respectively, by each gross of over 4.5 billion Chinese yuan (almost 0.7 billion dollars ) as of Feb 28, 2021.

其中,以下这些春节档院线电影在中国电影市场上的表现尤为抢眼。问鼎 2021 年春节档票房冠军的《你好,李焕英》以及紧随其后的《唐人街探案 3》两部影片先后凭借超过 45 亿的中国票房成绩成功挤掉《复仇者联盟 4 》,纷列中国影史票房总榜的第 3 和第 5 名(截至 2021 年 2 月 28 日)。

Up to now, Chinese films have swept all top 5 highest-grossing movies list in China.

至此,在 2021 年中国春节的尾声,中国最高票房的前 5 部电影已全部由中国国产电影包揽。

Latest Chinese New Year Films #01: "Hi, Mom"


Top Chinese New Year Film, Hi, Mom

"Hi, Mom", the new blockbuster directed by Chinese famous comedy actress Jia Ling, a Chinese new year film blending laughing with tears, has deeply touched countless hearts of Chinese audiences by the mutual mom-daughter bonding and great performances of crews. The film has portrayed impressive soft tender imagery of a common Chinese mother. Its warm and vintage-style scenes have easily made people recall the past life of the '80s in China. All these factors pushed the film to be the Champion of the Chinese New Year films 2021.
这部由中国著名的喜剧演员贾玲跨界作为女导演执导的电影《你好,李焕英》,凭借直击人心的母女亲情、众演员们出色的演绎,塑造了感人至深的中国女性温柔形象,重现了中国 80 年代生活的温暖怀旧风,笑点与泪点并集,打动了无数中国观众,成功晋级为 2021 年中国春节档电影票房冠军。

As of Feb.28, the total box office has accumulated up to ¥4.828 billion yuan (approximately $748 million dollars) within a theatrical release of 17 days and still increasing. It is confirmed to be third China's highest-grossing movie of all time by defeating the Chinese science-fictional film "Wandering Earth" released in 2019. And "Hi, Mom" also becomes the first female-directed film ranking into the top three highest-grossing movies of all time in China.
截至 2 月 28 日,上映 17 天的中国电影《你好,李焕英》,在中国内地票房累计已达 48.28 亿,且仍然在上涨中。其票房超过了 2019 年的中国科幻电影《流浪地球》,晋升为中国影史票房总榜第三名。这也是中国首部由女导演执导的作品进入中国影史票房总榜前三。

Latest Chinese New Year Films #02: "Detective Chinatown 3"

春节档影片之二:《唐人街探案 3》

Chinese New Year Film #2, Detective Chinatown 3

"Detective Chinatown 3" is the third installation in the Detective Chinatown series following the past two adventures respectively in Bangkok and New York. The film tells a crazy and funny story that two Chinatown detectives, Tang Ren and Qin Feng, are invited to Tokey, accept the challenges with other top global detectives, investigate the mystery crime.


As of Feb.28, the film "Detective Chinatown 3" has accumulated ¥4.322 billion yuan (approximately $669 million dollars) within a theatrical release of 17 days and still been increasing now. It also kicked out "Avengers 4: Endgame" released in 2019 from the list to become the new fifth highest-grossing movie of all time in China.

截至 2 月 28 日,上映 17 天的中国电影《唐人街探案 3》,在中国内地票房累计已达 43.22 亿,且仍在上涨中。其票房超过了 2019 年《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》,晋升为中国影史票房总榜第五名。

List of All Chinese New Year Films of 2021 With Box-Office

2021 年中国春节档电影名单及票房(截至 2月)

Take a look at other Chinese New Year films of 2021 and their box office data as of Feb. 28, 2021:

以下为 2021 年其他中国春节档电影名单及票房数据(截至 2021 年 2 月 28 日):

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