Know What Is It Before Register iQIYI International Account.

| 注册之前,了解什么是爱奇艺?

What is iQIYI?

iQiyi, written as "爱奇艺" in Simplified Chinese, is one of the top best Chinese TV streaming apps and websites invested and founded by China’s Tech company Baidu on April 22, 2010 in Beijing and now is one of the holding subsidiary of Baidu.

爱奇艺是由中国百度最早于 2010 年 月 22 日在中国北京投资并创立的在线视频平台,现在是百度旗下控股子公司。

As the top one of leading Chinese TV streaming apps, iQiyi is mainly providing online users a variety of Chinese long video contents such as China web drama, self-produced Chinese movies, TV series, original variety TV shows, and now also extending to short videos, live streaming, gaming, animations and more rich video contents.


After almost ten-year development, iQiyi has successfully landed and listed on NASDAQ finally in the US since March 29, 2018.

经过近十年的发展,爱奇艺已于 2018 年 月 29 日成功登陆美国纳斯达克,正式挂牌上市。

In the course of the development over years, iQiyi has made several top records among the current Chinese TV streaming apps, that its invested China web dramas hit over 10-billion of total video views on the platform and also produced many phenomena-level Chinese variety TV shows.


For example, “延禧攻略 (The Story of Yanxi Palace)” streaming on iQiyi platform in August 2018, had become 2018’s hottest Chinese web drama, which was also the first one to hit 10 billion of China’ annual total video view volumes in that year.

例如,2018 年 8 月在中国热播的网剧《延禧攻略》就成为当年年度总播放量最快突破百亿的中国网络电视剧。

iQiyi, One of Four Top Best Chinese TV Streaming Apps and Online Video Platforms, register iQIYI account 2020

The Statistics of 爱奇艺 In China

The app which offers similar video streaming services to the China market is called "爱奇艺 (ài qí yì)" in China, the Simplified Chinese version of iQIYI for the Chinese domestic market. iQiyi, Tencent Video and Youku are also known as China's top three online TV and video streaming platforms and service providers.

在中国大陆地区,提供相似服务的产品叫做 “爱奇艺”,即 iQIYI 在中国国内的简体中文版。爱奇艺,和腾讯视频,优酷并称为中国的三大顶级的在线视频平台和服务提供商。

As of March 2019, the total of monthly active users in iQiyi’s Chinese TV streaming app has reached 537 million, and its daily active users over 119 million in China.

截止 2019 年 月,爱奇艺移动端在中国国内的月活跃用户数(MAU)达 5.37 亿,日活跃用户数(DAU)达 1.19 亿。

Until June 22 of 2019 at 05:13:14 AM, the total number of paid users (VIP) in iQiyi’s Chinese TV streaming app and website has already hit 100 million since its first VIP member was born on May 27, 2011, revealed by iQiyi’s official data.

据官方公布的数据,从 2011 年 月 27 日诞生首位爱奇艺 VIP 会员起,直至 2019 年 月 22 日 05 点 13 分 14 秒,爱奇艺付费会员规模已正式突破 亿。

The total income from its VIPs in the first quarter of 2019 has also exceeded 3.4 billion yuan (CNY, approx. 4.75 million US dollars ), indicated by iQiyi’s financial report.

财报显示其 2019 年一季度的付费会员收入也已超过 34 亿元人民币 (约 475 万美元)。

It could be said that, with almost ten years’ effort, the overall Chinese TV streaming market leading by iQiyi begins to enter the era of a “Yì-class (a-hundred-million class)” membership finally.


Similar to iQIYI's Chinese version, iQIYI is also the cross-platform app supporting oversea users to watch Chinese dramas and TV shows on multiple devices such as PC, laptop, Andriod/iOS mobile phones, iPad and televisions.

与中国版的爱奇艺类似,国际版的 iQIYI 也支持通过多平台客户端在多设备观看,如允许海外用户通过 PC 电脑、安卓 / iOS 手机、iPad 平板电脑以及电视上在线观看视频和节目。

It allows users to select and switch subtitles among different languages, which depends on the source of the videos.


If you are interested in Chinese TV dramas, TV shows and films, or wish to improve your Chinese language skills by watching Chinese dramas and TV shows, you 'd better install iQIYI international app from the App store, register iQIYI international account for free firstly.

如果你有兴趣观看中国影视和节目,或者希望以此途径来提高中文语言水平,那么可以先安装 iQIYI 应用,免费注册成为普通会员,体验下这个产品。

Continue reading this article, then get to know how to register iQIYI international account on your mobile phone and become a free iQIYI member.

继续阅读本文以下内容,可以帮助你了解如何成为 iQIYI 的免费会员。


Register iQIYI International or 爱奇艺? 

| 该选择 iQIYI 还是爱奇艺?

Which app is better for me? Register iQIYI international account? or 爱奇艺 app?

注册 iQIYI 国际版?还是爱奇艺中国国内版呢?哪一个应用更适合我呢?

If you are not in the mainland China at current, and preferring an English or multi-language interface rather than Chinese, to register iQIYI international account is more suitable for you.

如果你目前并不在中国大陆地区,并且更希望使用支持英语和其他多国语言的界面更胜于中文界面,那么 iQIYI 国际版更加适合你。

Additionally, only install iQIYI app and register iQIYI international account that could enable you to view English subtitles within Chinese TV dramas, original TV shows and China films. It is probably believed that more and more Chinese original video contents with copyrights could be localized in iQIYI international app. As a result, it becomes a very cost-effective choice for overseas users to install and register iQIYI international account for free at first.

另外,只有在 iQIYI 国际版里才有机会看到带英文或其他语言字幕的中国影视剧和节目。以后这样经过字幕本地化的中国原创视频内容会越来越多。因此,先注册一个 iQIYI 国际版应用的免费账号,对海外用户来说是一个十分划算的选择。


Languages Supported to Register iQIYI International Account?

| iQIYI 支持的界面语言?

There are seven languages supported in iQIYI app at present: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt), Phasa Thai (ภาษาไทย), Bahasa Melayu, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

目前 iQIYI 国际版应用支持七种界面语言:英语、印尼语、越南语、泰语、马来语、简体中文和繁体中文。 

How to register iQIYI international account 2019 on mobile phone, register iQIYI account 2020

After launching iQIYI, the app will automatically specify the interface language according to the system language set in mobile phone.


You are also free to go to "Account" - "Settings", click "Language" area, and select a language from the interface, to switch the interface language as you wish, such as, to English. After that, the iQIYI international registration should come with ease.

你也可点击界面下方的 “账号”按钮,继而依次点击“设置” - “语言”,在语言界面里选择一种支持的语言,将界面立即切换成为你想要使用的语言。然后你就可以更方便地注册账号了。

How to register iQIYI international account 2019 on mobile phone, register iQIYI account 2020


Three Simple Ways to Register iQIYI International Account

| 三种简单方式快速注册 iQIYI 国际版

Now it is available to register iQIYI international account for free with three methods:

目前,你可以通过以下三种方式免费注册 iQIYI 国际版应用的账号:

  1. To register iQIYI international account with an existing email address.
    通过邮箱注册 iQIYI 国际版的账号;
  2. To quick login to iQIYI international app via an existing Facebook account.
    通过 Facebook 账号快速登录 iQIYI 国际版;
  3. To quick login to iQIYI international app via an existing Google account.
    通过 Google 账号快速登录 iQIYI 国际版。

How to register iQIYI international account 2019 on mobile phone, register iQIYI account 2020

Note that, to register iQIYI international account as an ordinary member is completely free, except VIP membership account.

须知注册 iQIYI 国际版普通会员账号,是完全免费的, VIP 会员账号除外。


Watchable Videos After Register iQIYI International Account.

| 注册 iQIYI 国际版后可观看的视频内容

How to register iQIYI international account 2019 on mobile phone, register iQIYI account 2020

After your iQIYI international account is registered and signed in as an ordinary iQIYI member, you are able to enjoy watching all non-VIP-tag videos, including China dramas, TV reality shows, Chinese animations and short videos, etc, for free.


Other video contents and TV series under the "VIP" tags require monthly subscriptions at least to be iQIYI's VIP member to watch.

其他打上了“VIP”标签的视频和电视剧内容,均为付费视频内容,需要订阅成为 iQIYI 的包月 VIP 会员才能观看。

And a good news is that newly registered iQIYI users (which is probably depending on exclusive devices ) can enjoy 1-month free VIP benefits. It means all new users at present can watch all non-VIP and VIP videos for free in one month. Due to the unknown issue about the closing date of this benefit, anyone who is interested in this app or Chinese dramas and TV shows may try to register iQIYI international account as soon as possible.

不过好消息是,目前新注册的用户(极有可能是根据设备来判断)可以免费享受一个月的 VIP 会员体验。这意味着现在所有新注册的会员,即使没有购买VIP,也可以观看所有的 VIP 专项视频了。我们暂时不知道这一福利将会在合适结束。感兴趣的朋友可以立即注册体验下。

How to register iQIYI international account 2019 on mobile phone, register iQIYI account 2020


How to Register iQIYI International Account on Mobile Phones?

| 怎样在手机上注册 iQIYI 国际版应用?

Take an Apple mobile phone as an example in the following iQIYI guide.

以下 iQIYI 教程以苹果手机为例。

to Unlock Full

Tips: The full content to show for registered users (the Residents) only. Please click login / register button on top right to unlock them.

For Registered Users Only

Tips: The full content to show for Free Logged-in and Premium residents only. Please click Log-In / Sign Up for Free button on the top right to unlock them.

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  1. winerr 1984 5 years ago

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